At February of 2010 the volume of Swift GRB subset with known redshift consisted of more than 150 bursts. Long GRB redshift distribution analysis has shown that confidence level of single peak approximation of this distribution is only ∼60%. Moreover, more than 40% of GRB are in very heavy tails outside 3σ level for this fit. More detailed analysis of long GRB redshift distribution reveals that at 97% confidence level at least two subgroups could be separated with following parameters: 〈z1〉 = 0.9 ± 0.1 and 〈z2〉 = 2.7 ± 0.2. It allows to make conclusion that Swift long GRB sources subset is not uniform. In the presented article attention is paid on the measure of discrepancy of long GRB with z>3 and subset of other long GRB with known redshifts. XRT/Swift lightcurves for these groups of GRB were considered and it have shown that at least 90% XRT/Swift lightcurves for GRB with z>3 are more complicated and have got a number of maxima.