Progress towards a new gauge theory for W type algebras
Contribution to the proceedings of the Texas A & M conference “Strings 90”, March 1990.
The W3 algebra is gauged by using the Noether method. This algebra contains spin 2 Virasoro generators Lm and spin 3 generators Wm, and squares of the Virasoro generators appear on the right-hand side of some commutators. The theory contains n scalar matter fields φi ≡ φi(x+, x−) coupled to spin 2 gauge fields h++, h−− and spin 3 gauge fields B+++, B−−−.
The Noether results through third order in the expansion parameter suggest the notion of a “nested covariant derivative”, and by interpreting it as a field equation, we integrate the latter and find the complete, infinitely nonlinear, action in one stroke. The result is very simple, see eq. (20). The transformation laws are then completed by requiring this action to be invariant. The results, again infinitely nonlinear, are given in closed form in eqs. (16) and (23). Recent results concerning WN and w∞ gauge theories, as well as some open problems, are mentioned at the end.