More than one third of the 88 globally-independent Cellular Automata rules exhibit robust simple Bernoulli-shift dynamics. Among them we find rule 170 , which we proved to be chaotic in the previous episodes of our chronicle, and rule 184 , the famous global majority rule. Therefore, we cannot overstate the importance of the Bernoulli στ-shift rules which we will present in two parts of our continuing odyssey on the Nonlinear Dynamics Perspective of Cellular Automata. This paper covers the first 15 of the 30 Bernoulli στ-shift rules. In this paper, after recalling the main concepts of Bernoulli rules — such as the role of the three Bernoulli parameters σ, τ and β — we will display the basin tree diagrams of these rules together with a convenient summary of the results extracted from them. Then, we will show that the superstring