The following sections are included:
Axial Anomaly
Chiral fermions
Quantization of chiral fermions
Computation of the axial anomaly: Heat kernel regularization
Computation of the axial anomaly: Zeta-function regularization
Physical origin of the axial anomaly
Axial anomaly and the supersymmetric proof of the index theorem
Supersymmetric quantum mechanics
Supersymmetric proof of the index theorem: Internal case
Axial Gauge Anomaly
Physical Consequences of Anomalies
Anomalies and Geometry
Chern-Weil theory
Algebraic approach to anomalies
Anomalies and cohomology
Gravitational Anomalies
Supersymmetric proof of the index theorem: External case
Index theorems for the classical complexes
De Rham complex
Dolbeault complex
Supersymmetric Relativistic Point Particle with Spin
Appendix: Spin and Spinc Structures
Spin structures
Spinc structures
Appendix: Geometric Gauge Fixing Conditions
Internal case
External case