Hamiltonian Structures in Perturbation Theory
The following sections are included:
First Order Hamiltonian Perturbation Theory
Path and Jet Spaces
Path Space Symplectic Structure and Hamiltonian
The Path Space Dynamics is Hamiltonian
Coordinate Description of the J-jet Structure
The Jet Hamiltonian
The Jet Poisson Bracket
Relation to the Iterated Tangent Bundle
Injecting Jets into the Iterated Tangent Bundle
Symplectic Structure on the Iterated Tangent Bundle
Pulled Back Symplectic Structure on the Jet Space
Relation to the Path Space Bracket
Weighted Path Bracket and Hamiltonian
Jet Bracket Arises from Derivative of Delta Function Weighting
Jet Hamiltonian from Derivative of Delta Function Weighting
Jet Space as Derivative
The Sheet Quotient Spaces
Sheet Symplectic Structure and Hamiltonian
Map Between Sheet Space and Jet Space
The Pulled Back Sheet Symplectic Structure and Hamiltonian
Sheet Structures Asymptote to Jet Structures for Small Spacing
Jets and Symmetry
ε-dependent Group Actions on M
The Path Group: PG
The Jet Group: JG
When M is a Coadjoint Orbit with the KKS Symplectic Structure
Natural Projections and Injections of G, PG, and JG
The Lie Frisson Bracket on g*
JG as a Semi-Direct Product
Jet and Path Reduced Spaces are Reduced Jet and Path Spaces