Trends in Continuum Physics
The Table of Contents for the book is as follows:
Scientific Committee
Some Remarks on Thermodynamical Terminology
Simulation of Percolation Through Porous Media Using Particle Dynamics
Magnetoinduced Microplasticity of Nonmagnetic Crystals
The Methods of Resonant Excitation of Surface Waves in Crystals
Dynamical Stability of Thin Shells with Thermal Convection
Two-Phase One-Component System as a Continuum with an Internal Structure
Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Cation Substitutions in YBa2Cu3O7
Solution of Inverse Heat Conduction Problem with the Use of New Type of Finite Element Base Functions
Heat Polynomials Applied to Direct and Inverse Heat Conduction Problems
Minkowski Space as a Model of Anisotropic Pore Space of Permeable Materials: Modelling of the Skeleton Pore Structure
An Application of a Geometrical Framework to Anelastic Systems
Applying Special Ateb-Functions in Construction Boundary Problem Solutions for Some Nonlinear Wave Equations
Cardiac Dynamics Involving Arrhythmias and Continuum Mechanics
On a Problem of Boundary Temperature Identification in a Cylindrical Layer
Propagation of the Periodic Waves in an Elastic Layer Covered by Spring Masses
Some Remarks on the Conductivity Coefficient Identification
Thermomechanical Coupling in Viscoplasticity: Constitutive Modelling of Shape-Memory Behaviour
Exploiting the Dissipation Inequality in Case of Constrained State Space Variables
The Stability of the Method of Fictitious Sources in an Inverse Heat Conduction Problem for a Layer
Nonclassical Heat Transport and Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics
Concepts of Theoretical Foundations for Biomechanics Based on Multiscale Modelling
Modeling of Ultrasonic Waves in Magnetic Liquids: Two Phase Approach
Deformation and Fracture of Polymers: Relativistic Approach
Matrix Analysis Approach to Determination of Entropies for Hyperbolic Systems of Conservation Equations
Transformations of Dependent Variables and Alternative Symmetric Systems Corresponding to Consistent System of N+1 Conservation Equations
Mechanics of a Vortex Lattice in Superconductors: Phenomenological Approach
Mechanism of Interactions and Diffusion in the Food Microstructure Systems
Modelling of Molecule Vibration in the Dispersive Systems
Nonlinear Thermomechanics of Electroelasticity Useful in Smart Materials and Structures
Thermodynamical Models of Continual Description of the Coupled Processes in Thin-Film Systems
Liquid Crystal Theory as an Example of Mesoscopic Continuum Mechanics
An Interaction of Simple Solitary Waves with Profiles in the Form of Chebyshov–Hermite, Mathieu, Whittaker Functions Propagating in Media with the Microstructure
Drying Induced Stresses as a Function of the Temperature of Drying Medium
Temperature Dependence of the Electrical Conductivity in Glasses with Two Types of Hopping Centres
Reason of Ambiguity in Electromagneto-Mechanical Interactions
Propagation of Disturbances Along Axial Lines of Tectonic Flows Under Conditions of Continuum Destruction
A Cell Dynamical System Model for Simulation of Continuum Dynamics of Turbulent Fluid Flows
Work Criteria for Creation and Destruction of Nonequilibrium Structures Stemming from Thermodynamics
Impact of Structural Damage to Surface Morphology of the Thoratic Aorta Wall Affected by Hypodynamic Stress
The Acoustic Spectroscopy of Aqueous Solutions of Isopropanol
Extended Irreversible Thermodynamics and the Motion of Continua
Physics and Mechanics of Ice Cover Break Up Technology
List of Participants