The Table of Contents for the book is as follows:
Recent Results from the NIKHEF Internal Target Program
Recent Results on Meson Production from SAPHIR
The Electric Formfactor of the Neutron
HERMES Measurement of the Spin Structure of the Nucleon
Preliminary Results from the GRAAL Collaboration
Virtual Compton Scattering on the Nucleon
Nucleon Generalized Polarizabilities in Virtual Compton Scattering Within a Relativistic Constituent Quark Model
Theoretical Overview of Virtual Compton Scattering on the Nucleon
One- and Two-Particle Emission and Short-Range Nucleon Correlations
Four-Body Response Functions with Full Final State Interaction
Photoproduction of Pions — Results from Dispersion Theory
Photoabsorption on Nuclei
The Role of N* Resonances in Two Pion Production
Photo- and Electroproduction of Eta Mesons
Polarization Response Functions in Kaon Electroproduction
Recent Results for (e, e′p) Reactions at Jefferson Lab
The Role of Nucleon-Correlations and the Δ-Isobar in the (e, e′pN) Reaction
Short-Range Nucleon-Nucleon Correlations Investigated in 12C(e, e′pp)10Be and 16O(e, e′pp)14C
Polarization Phenomena in the Study of Nucleon Resonances
Photo- and Electro-Production of Pseudoscalar Mesons at High Energies
Probing the Deuteron Structure at Small NN Distances by Subthreshold Antiprotons
Double Parton Collisions in High Energy Hadronic Interactions
Probe of the Deuteron Quark Structure in A(d, p) Breakup
The ELFE Programme and Project
The COMPASS Experiment at CERN
Measurement of the Neutron Spin Structure Functions Using Polarized Electrons and a Polarized 3He Target: The SLAC E154 Experiment
Spin Structure Functions in Leptoproduction
Lessons and Puzzles of DIS at Low x (High Energy)
Nucleon and Nuclear Spin Structure Functions
Distribution and Fragmentation Functions in a Spectator Model
The Spin and Flavor Content of Intrinsic Sea Quarks
Hadron Distributions in Deep Inelastic Electron-Nucleus Scattering at Collider Energies
Problems with the Applicability of Perturbative QCD to Deep Inelastic Scattering
Baryon Structure Beyond Q3
Baryon Resonance Form Factors and Quark Model
QCD Sum Rules: Form Factors and Wave Functions
Electromagnetic Processes and the Diquark Model
Hadron Form Factors in the Constituent Quark Model
Evolution Equations in QCD
Evolution Equations and Angular Ordering at Small x
Constraints on Constituent Quark Masses from Potential Models
Relativistic Many-Body Approach to Hadron Structure
Hybrids and Quark Confinement
Light-Cone Dynamics and Nuclear Effects in Hard Reactions: DIS, Drell–Yan Pairs, Heavy Flavor Production
Probing Color-Singlet Exchange at DØ
Relativistic Quantum Models
Axial Anomaly Low Energy Tests and Instanton Vacuum Models
The Relation between QCD and Constituent Quark Models
Excitation Spectra of Light and Strange Baryons
Radiative Meson Decays in a Relativistic Quark Model
List of Participants
Author Index