Strong and Electroweak Matter ’97
The Table of Contents for the full book PDF is as follows:
Main Talks
B Violation in the Hot Standard Model
The Classical Sphaleron Rate: Numerical Methods and Results
Self-Consistent Dynamics of Inflationary Phase Transitions
Non-Linear Dynamics of Reheating
Magnetic Fields in the Early Universe
Classical Approach to Electroweak Dynamics
Color Deconfinement in Nuclear Collisions
Renormalization Group with Condensate
3D Effective Theories for the Standard Model and Extensions
Electroweak Phase Transition on Four-Dimensional Lattices
Wilson Line in High Temperature Particle Physics
Crossover and Mass Gap of the SU(2)–Higgs Model at High Temperature
Improved Hard–Thermal–Loop Effective Actions
Finite-Temperature Lattice QCD
Contributed Papers: Dynamical Aspects
Renormalizability of Hot Classical Field Theory
Negative Coupling Instability and Grandunified Baryogenesis
Cosmological Inhomogeneities from the QCD Transition
Numerical Study of Plasmon Properties in the SU(2)–Higgs Model
Effective Non-Perturbative Dynamics of Soft Modes in Hot Gauge Theories
Early Stages of Growth of QCD and Electroweak Bubbles
Non-Equilibrium Dynamics in Quantum Field Theory: Computation and Renormalization
Investigation of Chaotic Dynamics of Lattice Gauge Configurations Created by Monte Carlo Techniques
Electroweak Baryogenesis Without the Phase Ttansition
Real Time Correlation Functions at Finite Temperature and their Classical Limit
Classical Limit in Scalar QFT at High Temperature
Instanton Induced Phenomena in the Effective Standard Model
Two–Mode Squeezed States in High Energy Physics: Key to Hadron Modification in Dense Matter?
Coherent Neutrino Propagation in a Dense Medium
The Ising Model and Bubbles in the Quark-Gluon Plasma
Contributed Papers: Static Properties
Perturbative Analysis of the MSSM Electroweak Phase Transition
Electroweak Baryogenesis in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model
Dimensional Reduction and Hot QCD: Calculating the Debye Mass Non-Perturbatively
Phase Diagram of 3D U(1) + Higgs Theory
Connecting Higgs and Confinement Phase of the 3D SU(2) Higgs Model
Non-Perturbative Correlation Masses in the Three-Dimensional SU(2)-Higgs Model
SU(5) + Adjoint Higgs at Finite Temperature
An Examination of the Electroweak Phase Structure for Large Higgs Mass
An Analytical Approach to Lattice Gauge-Higgs Models
The Static Potential in QCD3 at One Loop
Screening Lengths in SU(2) Gauge Theory at Finite Temperature
On Perturbative QCD at Finite Temperature
On the Finite Temperature Phase Transition of Scalar QED
Simulations of the Electroweak Plasma at Finite Temperature
Topological Efiective Actions Induced by Fermion Chemical Potentials
Screened Perturbation Theory
Radiative Corrections to the Stefan-Boltzmann Law
Gauge-Invariant Renormalization Group at Finite Temperature
Anomalies at High Temperature
Chiral Phase Transition from Non-Perturbative Flow Equations
List of Participants