Advances in Mathematical Population Dynamics — Molecules, Cells and Man
The Table of Contents for the book is as follows:
General presentation
PART I DNA, Viruses and Cells
Chapter 1: At the level of the genome
Diploid sequence space, dominance, and evolution
Evolution of primate immunodeficiency viruses
Mathematical model of the hitchhiking effect, and its application to DNA polymorphism data
Computer simulation of expansions of CGG DNA triplet repeats in the fragile X syndrome
Chapter 2: Models of cell population
Modeling a bistable trigger of mitosis
A purely deterministic model for the population dynamics of budding yeast
Unequal cell division in relation to mother cell size
Model of the dynamics of a branching system of the glial cell lineages in vitro
Coupling in branching - a tumour model with population size dependence
Chapter 3: Estimations of model parameters
Nonlinear analysis of tumor cell population dynamics
Guarded weights of evidence and acceptability profiles for one-sided hypotheses using censored data
Estimation of cell cycle kinetic parameters by flow cytometry
Effect of cell loss on the estimation of potential doubling time of tumors using DNA-BrdUrd histograms
Estimation from degraded data in a compartmental model. A case-study
Chapter 4: Mathematical analysis of asynchronicity
On the stable size distribution in a mathematical model for tumor cell growth reproducing by fission and the cellular resistance problem
Quiescence as an explanation for asynchronous exponential growth in a size structured cell population of exponentially growing cells. Part 1.
Chapter 5: Effect of radiation on cells
Multistage models for radiation tumorigenesis in p53 deficient transgenic mice: computer simulation of the effect of single doses of radiation.
Radiation damage to a dynamic cell population
A stochastic model of carcinogenesis allowing for cell death
Modeling the survival of T-cell lymphocytes using branching processes with random number of ancestors
Bibliography of Part I
PART II Population dynamics in diseases in Man
Chapter 6: Statistical AIDS models
Model based back calculation for the HIV epidemic
The united states AIDS epidemic in first world context
Chapter 7: Models with threshold behavior
Calculating R0 for HIV infection via pair formation
Threshold parameters for stochastic heterosexual partnership models of HIV/AIDS formulated within multi type CMJ-processes
The threshold behaviour of stochastic epidemics
Chapter 8: New models of the AIDS epidemic
A stochastic model for the HIV epidemic and effects of age and race on the HIV infection in homosexual populations
On fitting a nonlinear stochastic model accommodating heterogeneous risk behavior to public health data on a HIV/AIDS epidemic
Recruitment into a core group and its effect on the spread of a sexually transmitted disease
AIDS, behavioral choice, and the composition of the pool of available partners
Multistage models of HIV transmission among injecting drug users via shared injection equipment
Chapter 9: The immune system
A mathematical model of a malaria vaccine with stage-specific effects
Host tolerance to antigenically varying parasites: A mathematical model
Chapter 10: Drug side-effects and drug resistance
Optimal control of chemotherapy affecting the infectivity of HIV
Mathematical modelling of cancer chemotherapy: investigation of the resonance phenomenon
Optimal synchronization and recruitment protocols design via a gradient type method
Qualitative analysis of the infinite model for drug resistance evolution
Drug resistance in diffusive epidemic population models
Chapter 11:
Mathematical models for the disease dynamics of tuberculosis
Chapter 12:
Oligomerization and PrPsc stability in prion propagation: A mathematical analysis
Bibliography of Part II
PART III Further mathematical aspects
Chapter 13: Semigroup aspects
Quasi-compact semigroups via bounded perturbation
Chapter 14: Spatial effects
Well-posedness of a linear age-dependent population model with spatial distribution
Bounds on trajectories in diffusive predator-prey models
Chapter 15: On equilibria, convergence, persistence and attractiveness
Recurrence of stochastic multipopulation models
Persistence and resilience in competitive systems
Are multiple endemic equilibria possible?
Chapter 16: On branching processes
On the support and continuity of the limit distribution of a branching process in varying environments
A branching processes model for the balance between mutation and selection
Chapter 17: Aspects of controllability
Controllability for partial functional differential equations
Null controllability of the population dynamics via controllers with “small” support
Bibliography of Part III
Subject Index
Author Index