Solid State Ionics: New Developments
The Table of Contents for the full book PDF is as follows:
Measurement Techniques in Solid State Ionics
Ion Transport in Lithium, Sodium and Silver Sulphates
Conduction Mechanism in Room Temperature Phase of Sulphates: A First Approach
Anisotropic Conductivity of the Solid Electrolytes
Electric and Dielectric Properties of Polymer Electrolytes
Ion Association in Alkali Triflate Salt - Poly(Propylene Oxide) Polymer Electrolytes
Cation Dependence of Ionic Association and Cation-Polymer Interaction in PEO-Gel Electrolytes
Fractal Pattern Growth in Polymeric Matrix
Ion Transport and Glass Structure
Ionic and Electronic Conductivity on Oxide Glasses and Their Applications
Composition-Structure-Property Correlation in Some Ternary Silvertellurite Glasses
Raman Spectroscopy of Fast Ion Conducting Solids
Lithium Polymer Batteries. Prototypes and Materials
Electronically Conducting Polymers as Electrodes and Actuators
Enhancing Conducting Polymer Based Biosensor Performance: A Pattern Recognition Approach
Oxide Ion Conductivity in the ZrO2-Sc2O3 System
Intermediate Temperature Proton Conductors: Dehydrated Salts and Doped Sodium Metasilicate Based Dried Gels
Phase Transitions and Protonic Conduction in Cesium Hydrogen Sulphate and Related Compounds
Electronic Band Structure of β-Alumina Type Superionic Conductors
Spectral Hole Burning Studies on Protonic Motion in Perovskite-Type Proton Conductors
Thin Films Solid Electrolyte and Their Applications
NMR Study of Cu+ Ionic Motion in CuITe
Role of Valence - Flutuation in the Mixed Conductors: βLi0.4V2O5, γLixV2O5, V6O13 and ωLi3.5V2O5
Unusual Bulk Properties of Ionic Conductors in Nanocomposites
Composite Protonic Solid Electrolytes Based on Alkali Hydrosulphates
Conductivity of Pure LiFeO2 and Co-Doped LiFeO2 Tapes
Micromagnetic Behavior of Non-Stoiciometric Li0.95Ni1.05O2
Novel LISICON Type Mixed Conductors
Equilibrium and Nonequilibrium Defects in Silver Chloride
On the Effective Charge in Tetrahedral Superionics
Structural Features and Ionic Transport LixCu2-xS Superionic Alloys
Ionic Conductivity and Chemical Diffusion in LixCu2-xSe Superionic Alloys
Structural Features and Conduction in Cu2Se - Al2O3 Composite Solid Electrolytes
Ionic and Electronic Transport in Intercalat CuxNb6S8 Compounds
New Quasi One-Dimensional CuxNb3Se4 Compounds
Study of New Intercalat HxNb3Se4 Compounds
Ionic and Electronic Transport in Two-Dimensional CuCr1-xVxS2 Compounds
Structural Peculiarities and Ionic Conductivity of Mixed Conductors Cu2Te, Ag2Te and Solid Solutions (Ag1-xCux)2Te (0 ≤ x ≤ 1)
Dielectric Relaxation Characterization of Solid Polymer Electrolyte Complexes
Polymer Electrolytes With Fluoride Ion Conduction
Effect of Plasticizers on the Electrical and Transport Properties of (PEO)-LiCF3SO3 Electrolytes
Effect of Plasticizer on Poly(Ethylene Succinate)+NH4ClO4 System
Photoresponse of Silicon - Polymer Electrolyte (PEO:NH4X and PEO:NaX) Junction
Dependence of Optical and Electrical Properties of Polypyrrole Films on Polymerization Current Density
Investigations on Poly(Vinyledene Fluoride) Based Polymer Electrolytes for Secondary Li Batteries
Preparation and Characterization of Solid State Batteries Using Cu2+ Doped PEO
Influence of Mixed Cation Effect on Concentration Profiles Obtained by Ion Exchange
Preparation and Transport Properties of the Fast Ionic System CuI - Ag3VO4
The use of CuI-Ag2O-MoO3 Ternary System as Electrolyte in a Solid State Cell
Effect of Varying Modifier to Formers Ratio on Conductivity of Lithium Borosilicate System Prepared by Sol-Gel Route
Characterization of Dried Gels Prepared Through Sol-Gel Route
Electronic Conductivity and Thermoelectric Power Studies on Silver-Selenovanadate Glassy System for Battery Applications
Effect of Dopant salt Concentration on Fast Ionic Conductivity in Silver Based Glass Systems
Ionic Drift Velocity and Mobility Measurements on a Quenched [0.75AgI:0.25AgCl] Mixed-System or Solid Solution
Thermoelectric Power Study on a New Ag+ Ion Conducting Composite Electrolyte System 0.8[0.75AgI:0.25AgCl]:0.2SnO2
Temperature Dependence of Transference Number and Ionic Drift Velocity on Some Silver Halide Systems
Transport Property Studies on Ag+ Ion Conducting Composite Electrolyte System (1-x)AgI:xSnO2
Performance Characteristics of Organic Charge Transfer Complexes as Cathodes in Silver Batteries
Frequency Dependent Conductivity Studies on Silver-Lead-Borate Glasses
Structural and Ion Transport Studies in Sodium Metasilicate Based Proton Conducting Gels Doped With Some Proton Conducting Salts
Studies on Proton Conducting Composite Electrolytes Based on Salt Hydrates
Heat Capacity of Yttria- and Scandia-Doped Zirconia
Electrochemical Characterization and Microstructure of Ni-YSZ Anodes in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC)
Fabrication of the Thin Films of Acceptor Doped-SrZrO3 and SrCeO3 and Their Characterization
The Effect of Electrolyte Composition on the Electrochromic behaviour of the ITO/WO3/PEO:NH4ClO4/ITO Windows
Electrochromic Effect in Copper Phthalocyanine Thin Films
Author Index
Tentative List of Participants