The Table of Contents for the full book PDF is as follows:
Editors’ Foreword
Structure of Vortex Arrays by Magnetic Decoration
Observation of Vortices in Superconductors
Observation of Flux Lines Using Small Angle Neutron Scattering
The Effect of Anisotropy on the Phase Transitions in BSCCO
Position and Nature of the Vortex Phase Transition in Anisotropic and Layered Superconductors
Effect of Carrier Doping on Irreversibility and Melting Lines in Bi2212 Single Crystals
Transport Characteristics in High Tc Superconductors with Pin Fluctuation under the Influence of Thermal Agitation
Local Electrodynamics in Heavy Ion Irradiated BSCCO
Fast Neutron Irradiation Effects on Jc in Tl-Based High Temperature Superconductors
Flux Pinning in the OCMG-Processed LRE-123
Flux Pinning Mechanism of Artificially Introduced Nb into Superconducting Nb-Ti
Current Limiting Mechanisms and Phase Formation in Bi,Pb(2223) Tapes
Flux Pinning and Critical Current Density of Ag-Clad Bi-2212 Superconducting Tapes
Critical Current Densities of High Performance Bi-Based Superconducting Composite Wires in Magnetic Field
Characteristics of Grain Boundaries in YBCO and BSCCO-2212 Lying in the Low Angle to High Angle Crossover Regime
Preparation and Properties of Tl-Based Superconducting Thin Films
Fabrication of Y-123 Tapes with High Critical Current Densities
YBaCuO Thick Films on Planar and Curved Technical Substrates
Vortex Structure in BSCCO(2212) Single Crystal versus the Magnetic Flux Penetration Temperatures
Evidence for the Dynamic Reconstruction of the Flux-Line Lattice in YBa2Cu3O7–δ
Bitter Decoration Pattern of Twinned YBaCuO Superconductor
Magneto-Optical Observation of Flux Penetration into Twinned and Untwinned YBa2Cu3O7
Magnetic Structure of Flux Line Lattice
Simulation of the Vortex Lattice in Superconducting Thin Films
Monte Carlo Simulation of B-T Phase Diagrams in a Model High-Tc Superconductors
Vertical Crossovers and Transitions in the H-T Phase Diagram of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ
Study on the Relationship between the Peak Effect and the Flux Line Lattice Melting of Single Crystalline Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ
Transport Measurements on Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ Single Crystals with Columnar Defects
Bose-Glass Transition at the Irreversibility Line of YBaCuO Films Investigated by Third Harmonic AC-Susceptibility
Universal Behavior in Scaling Property of Current-Voltage Characteristics of Polycrystalline High-Tc Superconductors
Current-Voltage Characteristics in Superconducting Bi-2212 Tapes
Size-Effects in Flow of Flux-Line Liquids
Longitudinal Elastic Correlation Length of Flux Lines along the c-Axis in Bi-2212 Single Crystal
Flux Creep, Bulk Pinning and Edge Barriers in BSCCO 2212 Single Crystals
Thickness Dependence of Pinning Properties in Sputtered YBa2Cu3Oy Thin Films
Irreversibility Field and Flux Pinning for YBa2Cu3O7 Films
Dependence of the Pinning Characteristics on Fabrication Technique in YBa2Cu3O7–δ Thin Films
Current Voltage Characteristics of YBCO in Wide Range of Electric Fields
A Comparison of the Vortex Dynamics in a Series of Oxygen-Deficient RBa2Cu3O7–δ Crystals
Anomalous Vortex Behaviour in (RE)Ba2Cu3Cu3O7–δ Crystals
Comparative Study of Magnetization and Relaxation in YbBa2Cu3O7–δ Single Crystals
Flux Creep Measurements on Hg-1223 Ceramics
Large-Scale Correlated Vortex Motion in a Detwinned YBa2Cu3O7–δ Single Crystal
Single Vortex Dynamics in Periodic Pinning Potentials
Comparison of Vortex Dynamics at DC and Microwave Frequencies in High Quality HTS Thin Films
Phase Diagram and “Abnormal” Irreversible Phenomena in Rf-Absorption of Weakly Linked Medium of Hg1 – xPbxBa2Ca2Cu3Oy
Frequency and Amplitude Dependence of the Imaginary Part of AC Susceptibility Peak in High-Tc Superconductors
Heavy Ion Irradiation Effects on Magnetic Field Dependent Rf Losses in Bi2212 Single Crystals
Microwave Excitation of Longitudinal Josephson Plasma in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ
Microwave Response of Vortex Dynamics in Bi2212 Single Crystals
Surface-Barrier Dominating Magnetization of Re-Doped HgBa2Ca2Cu3O8+x Superconductors
Surface Morphology and Critical Currents of Vicinal Y1Ba2Cu3O7–δ Films
Role of Giant Flux Jumps in Failure of Textured YBaCuO in the Strong Magnetic Field
Anisotropic Field Percolation and High Current Density in 2212 Bi-Based Substituted with Dy Bulk Magnetically Textured Composite Ceramics
Angular Dependence of Magnetoresistance in YBCO Thin Films and YBCO/PBCO Multilayers
Numerical Analysis of the Behaviors of Fluxoids in Type II Superconductor Based on the Fluxoid Dynamics Method Combined with the Ginzburg-Landau Theory
Hysteresis of I-V Characteristics along the c-Axis in (110)-Oriented YBa2Cu3O7–δ Thin Films
Excess Flux Flow Voltage by Ultrasound in Superconducting Thin Films
Contactless Study of the Critical Current Anisotropy in High-Tc Superconductors
V-I Curves and Jc(B) Analysis for Ag Sheathed Bi-2223 Tapes
Dynamics of the Force-Free Current Configurations
Effect of Crossed Flux on Magnetization and Magnetization Dynamics in Melt-Textured Y1Ba2Cu3O7–x
Influence of Weak Visible Light on Flux Creep and Critical Currents in YBCO Film
Diffusion Velocity of Magnetic Fields of Intense Electron Beams through Bi-Based Sintered Superconducting Tubes
Nernst Effect in YBa2Cu3O7–δ and Bi2.1Sr1.8Ca1Cu2O8+δ
Resistive Transition of Superconducting Nb-Ti
Scaling Law for Hysteresis Losses in Nb3Sn Multifilamentary Composite
A Dual Character of Twin Boundaries in YBa2Cu3O7 Single Crystal
Twin Boundary-Induced Locked and Kinked Vortex States in YBa2Cu3O7–δ Single Crystals
Effect of Twin Boundaries on Vortex Pinning and Peak Effect in YBa2Cu3O7–x Single Crystals
The Role of Twins in High-Tc Superconductors: Are Twins Pinning Sites or Weak Links?
The Saturation Effect and Decrease of Irreversibility Field in Neutron Irradiated YBa2Cu3O7–δ Single Crystals
Surface Implantation of 235 MeV Au Ions on Melt-Textured YBCO
Heavy Ion Irradiation Effect for Ag-Sheathed Bi-2223 Tape
Enhancement of Creep Activation Barriers in Y1Ba2Cu3O7–δ Films after Heavy Ion Irradiation
Irradiation Effects on the Critical Currents in Tl-2212 and Tl-2223 Thin Films
Development of the Current Peak in Dependence on Temperature and Oxygen Content
High-Field Studies on Peak Effect of Quench-Melt-Growth Processed YBa2Cu3O7
Matching Peaks Observed in La214 Single Crystals with Extended Defect Structure
Correlated vs Random Disorder in YBa2Cu3O7–x Single Crystals
Intrinsic Pinning in YBa2Cu3O7–x
In-Plane Anisotropy of the Critical Current and Remanent Magnetization in the Twin-Free YBa2Cu3O7–δ Single Crystals
Irreversible Behavior in the Vicinity of B ∥ a, b in YBa2Cu3O7–δ Single Crystals
Anisotropic Magnetic Properties of Nd123 Bulk Superconductors
Flux Pinning in YBa2Cu4O8 Single Crystals
c-Axis Coupling and the Role of Oxygen Content in TmBa2Cu3Oy Single Crystals
Correlated Disorder and Scaling in Single Crystals of BSCCO 2212
Anomalous Angular Critical Current Dependences in Superconducting Multilayered Structures
Critical Currents in Artificial Multilayers
Effect of Jc-B Characteristics on the Trapped Field Distribution of YBCO Bulk Magnets
Preparation and Characterization of High Jc Y-Ho-Ba-Cu-O Bulk Superconductors by a Powder Melting Process
Irreversibility Fields above 13 T at 77 K in NdBa2Cu3O7–δ
Irreversibility Line in the Melt-Processed NdBa2Cu3Oy Bulk Superconductors
Effect of Heat-Treatment on the Pinning Properties of Melt-Textured RE123
Critical Currents of Laser-Ablated Epitaxial Thin and Ultrathin YBCO Films
Critical Current Density and Magnetic Shielding Effect of Bi-2223 Plate
Microstructure Dependence of Transport Critical Current of Ag/Bi2223 Tapes
Irreversible Intergranular Critical Current in Bi-2223 Superconducting Tapes
Intergranular and Intragranular Critical Currents in Bi-2223 Superconducting Tapes
Processing Related Issues on the Enhancement of Critical Current Density of Bi(Pb)-2223/Ag Multifilamentary Tapes
Critical Currents at Elevated Fields in Ag/BSCCO Tapes
Effect of Doping on Superconducting Properties of Bi-2223 Superconductors
Evaluation of Jc-Distribution of Long Ag/Bi Wire from d2E/dJ2 Curve
The Exponential Field Dependence of the Magnetic and Transport Current Densities in (Bi2–x, Pbx)Sr2Ca2Cu3O10–δ/Ag Tapes
Current-Voltage Characteristics of BSCCO Conductors
The Effect of Mechanical Deformation on Critical Current Density of Bi-Based Ag-Clad Superconducting Tapes
Limits to the Magnetic Field Dependencies of Transport Critical Currents for Silver-Sheathed Bi-2223 Superconducting Tape
Jc-B-T Surfaces of Ag-Clad Bi-Based Tapes
Current Distributions in Multilayered Bi-2223/Ag Conductors
Anomalous Ic-B Hysteresis for Bi-2212/Ag Tape above 19T
Well-Defined Grain Boundary Weak-Links in Tl-1223 Tapes
Modified Dislocation Model of Tilt Intergrain Boundaries in HTSC
Intrinsic Critical Current and Vortex Loop Pinning in Three Dimensional Disordered Josephson-Junction Array Model
Effect of Heat Treatment on the Jc Values in Industrial Scale Multifilamentary Nb46.5wt%Ti Superconductors
List of Participants
Author Index