Diversity in Auditory Mechanics
The Table of Contents for the book is as follows:
Part one Diversity in auditory mechanics
Middle-ear structural and functional dependence on animal size
Roles of intracranial air pressure in bird audition
A mechanical analysis of the novel ear of the parsitoid fly Ormia ochracea
Fluid flow profiles measured in the supraorbital lateral line canal of the ruff
Diversity in hearing-organ structure and the characteristics of spontaneous otoacoustic emissions in lizards
Comparison of distortion product otoacoustic emissions in humans and kangaroo rats
Acoustic distortion-products as indicator of cochlear adaptations in Jamaican mormoopid bats
Evolutionary plasticity of cochlear design in echlocating bats
Suppression of external-ear impulse-response smearing by echo signal-processing in the big brown bat
Tympanic radiation: aural sound production in the bullfrog Rana catesbeiana
Extratympanic sound sensitivity of frog auditory fibers
Frequency selectivity of saccular afferents of the goldfish revealed by REVCOR analysis
The mechanics of the avian cochlea: rate-intensity functions of auditory-nerve fibres in the emu
Does stochastic resonance play a role in hearing?
Pigeon spontaneous and evoked activities: a renewal process?
Temperature dependence of various components in the frog inner ear
Spike rate models for auditory fibers
Wiener kernel analysis and the singular value decomposition
Studies of mechanoelectric transduction in concentric hair bundles of invertebrates
Part two Descriptive models of middle and outer ear
The effect of the pars flaccida of the tympanic membrane on the ear's sensitivity to sound
Evoked otoacoustic emissions, a new tool for non-invasive analysis of middle-ear network in man
Direct measurement of the reverse transfer function of the guinea pig middle ear
Measurement of reverse transmission in the human middle ear: preliminary results
Malleus vibrations in the cat ear are three dimensional
Part three Descriptive models of cochlear function
From ear canal to VIIIth nerve or higher
OHCs shift the excitation pattern via BM tension
Mammalian cochlear responses to the acute application of the taurine analogue, β-alanine
The significance of the cochlear traveling wave for theories of frequency analysis and pitch
Signal processing models for the auditory periphery
Estimating scaling exponents in auditory-nerve spike trains using fractal models incorporating refractoriness
All-pole models of auditory filtering
Changes in phase-locking to complex stimuli produced by noise-induced hearing loss
In terms of spontaneous and evoked cochlear emissions
Two components of acoustic distortion: differential effects of contralateral sound and aspirin
Usefulness of the nonlinear residual response method
Excitation pattern shifts: time-frequency evidence from click-evoked otoacoustic emissions
Effects of loop diuretics on suppression tuning of distortion-product otoacoustic emissions in rabbits
Changes in cochlear amplifier mechanics during development
The origin of otoacoustic emissions elicited by electrical stimulation of the cochlea
What can we learn from cochlear group delays?
Effects of signal duration on threshold microstructure in ears with spontaneous otoacoustic emissions
Suppression and synchronization of otoacoustic emissions using complex tones
Simultaneous measurement of DPOAEs and basilar membrane vibration by acoustic probe and LASER doppler velocimeter
In terms of basilar membrane motion
On cochlear cross-correlation functions: connecting nonlinearity and ‘activity’
Mid-band sensitivity notches in apical cochlear mechanics
Two-tone “low side” suppression in responses of basal basilar membrane
Reissner's membrane and the reticular lamina response in the apical turn of the cochlea in a living guinea pig
Nonlinear mechanisms in the apical turn of the chinchilla cochlea
Wiener-kernel analysis of basilar-membrane responses to white noise
Cochlear mechanical nonlinearity reflected on BM velocity I-O function slope and its behavior at high sound levels
In terms of intracochlear pressure
A new approach to cochlear mechanics and cubic distortion tones by intracochlear acoustic pressure measurements in the guinea pig
Can the travelling wave be challenged by direct intracochlear pressure measurement?
The design and purpose of an intracochlear pressure sensor
In terms of receptor potentials
The cochlea is an automatic gain control system after all
Effects of efferent input
The effect of efferent stimulation and acetylcholine perfusion on basilar membrane displacement in the basal turn of the guinea pig cochlea
Efferent inhibition as a function of efferent stimulation parameters and sound frequency: testing the OHC-shunt hypothesis
Does activity in the olivocochlear bundle affect development of the auditory periphery?
Effects of electrical stimulation
Scala media voltage responses to sinusoidal current stimulation
Electrically evoked micromechanical movements from the apical turn of the gerbil cochlea
Electrically-evoked emission magnitude is an approximately linear function of current level near characteristic frequency and very nonlinear at low frequencies
Part four Synthetic models of the organ of Corti
The inverse problem for waves in a two subpartition cochlear model suggests axial electromechanical coupling of outer hair cells
A new assumption for mechanical OHC-IHC interaction
Active nonlinear model for a damaged cochlea
A cochlear traveling-wave amplifier model with realistic scala media and haircell electrical properties
Power flow within the organ of Corti of a three-dimensional finite-element cochlear model
A generation of distortion products in a model of cochlear mechanics
Energy transfer amongst coupled oscillating modes in the nonlinear cochlea: the physical basis of the basilar membrane response to transients
An analysis of mechanical interaction between the outer hair cells and two adjacent cochlear membranes
Three-dimensional mechanical modeling of the cochlea
Modeling otoacoustic emission fine structure
Shape and stiffness changes of the organ of Corti from base to apex cannot predict characteristic frequency changes: are multiple modes the answer?
Part five Descriptive models of cellular elements
The intrinsic limit for active cochlear mechanics
Mechanically induced shortening in isolated guinea pig outer hair cells
Reconsideration of the influence of extracellular voltages on IHC transmitter release
Efferent control of cochlear mechanics: outer hair cells
Response of the outer hair cell to prolonged hypo-osmotic perfusion
Mechanically and ATP-induced currents of mouse outer hair cells are additive and blocked by d-tubocurarine
Stereociliary ultrastructure in relation to mechanotransduction: tip links and the contact region
Outer hair cell stiffness and force and their modulation by agents known to affect hearing
Force generation and mechanical impedance of outer hair cells
The effect of static hair-bundle displacement on the mechanoelectric transduction in isolated cochlear hair cells
Multiple stiffness gradients in the cochlea?
Sodium currents in hair cells of the mouse utricle
The function of the cytoskeleton in determining the mechanical properties of epithelial cells within the organ of Corti
Mechanical models of the stereocilia bundle of the mammalian cochlear hair cell
Part six Synthetic models of cellular elements
Outer hair cell electro-anatomy
Motor mechanisms of the outer hair cell from the cochlea
The receptor potential non-linearities generated by the mechanoelectrical transducer to two-tone stimulation
Harmonic distortion of cupular mechanics generated by the gating springs of lateral line hair cells
Is the outer hair cell wall viscoelastic?
An elastic composite model of the outer hair cell wall