General Relativity and Gravitation
The Table of Contents for the book is as follows:
Honour Committee
International Organising Committee
National Organising Committee
List of Speakers
List of Workshops
The “Basilis Xanthopoulos Award”
Carlo Rovelli, 1995 Xanthopoulos Int. Award, Acceptance Speech
Invited Lectures
Polymer Geometry at Planck Scale and Quantum Einstein Equations
Going Round in Circles
Numerical Investigation of Singularities
Gravitational Wave Detection from Space
Resonant-Mass Gravitational Wave Detectors
Theoretical Aspects of Gravitational Radiation
A Numerical Approach to Binary Black Hole Coalescence
Structural Issues in Quantum Gravity
Observations and Theory of the Microwave Background
Stellar Stability According to Newtonian Theory and General Relativity
Spacetime Singularities and Cosmic Censorship
Dark Matter: What Is It? How Much?
Solutions of the Einstein Equations with Matter
Universality of Einstein's General Relativity
Gravitational Lensing: A Tool for Astronomers
Cosmology: One Vision of the Future
Quantum Field Theory in Curved Spacetime
A.1: Exact Solutions and Their Interpretations
A.2: Complex Methods and New Variables
A.3: Mathematical Studies of Relativistic Field Equations
A.4: Analytic Approximation and Perturbation Methods
A.5(i): Numerical Relativity
A.5(ii): Computer Methods in General Relativity — Algebraic Computing
B.1: Relativistic Astrophysics
B.3: Physics of the Very Early Universe
B.4: Theoretical and Mathematical Cosmology
D.1: Quantum Gravity
D.2: Quantum Cosmology and Conceptual Problems in Quantum Gravity
D.3: Quantum Fields in Curved Spacetime
List of Participants