The Table of Contents for the full book PDF is as follows:
Conference Committees
Opening Address by President Nelson Mandela
A Short History of South Africa’s Cyclotrons (Banquet Speech)
Newly Operating Cyclotrons
AGOR: Initial Beam Tests, Transport and Commissioning (Invited paper)
Commissioning of the K800 INFN Cyclotron (Invited paper)
The Superconducting Separated-Orbit Cyclotron TRITRON (Invited paper)
Commissioning of the Injector Cyclotron for Polarised and Heavy Ions at NAC
Status Reports & Facilities Under Construction
High Power Operation of the PSI-Accelerators (Invited paper)
Upgrading the GANIL Facilities for High-Intensity Heavy Ion Beams (Invited paper)
High Intensity Operation of a Superconducting Cyclotron
Operating Status of the RCNP Separated Sector Cyclotron
The Super Conducting Cyclotron Project K500 at Calcutta Cyclotron Centre
Status Report on JAERI-AVF Cyclotron
Recent Performance of the TRIUMF Cyclotron and Status of the Facility
K130 Cyclotron – The First Years of Full Operation
ISL-Berlin, an Ion Beam Laboratory for Applications
Status Report on the GANIL Renovation Program
A New Injector Concept: The RFQ-Cyclotron Combination at ISL-Berlin
Status Report on the VINCY Cyclotron
H- Cyclotron for Charge-Exchange Injection into a Synchrotron
Facility Status Update of IUCF
Status of the Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions JINR Heavy Ion Cyclotrons
Compact Cyclotrons
Commercial Compact Cyclotrons in the 90s (Invited paper)
A New Type of Mini Cyclotron as Accelerator Mass Spectrometer
A Compact Permanent Magnet Cyclotron for Accelerator Mass Spectrometry
High Intensity Cyclotrons for Radioisotope Production, or the Comeback of the Positive Ions
The IBA PET-dedicated Cyclotrons: Main Features and Improvements
1 mA 30 MeV Proton Beams for Radionuclide Production
The NRCAM Cyclotron Facilities
Status of Cyclotron Design in the Efremov Institute
Applications — General
Polymeric Materials Research with Cyclotrons (Invited paper)
The Application of a Cyclotron in Materials Research at the LAM of the European Commission
Application of 235U+ Ion Beams for Increasing the Safety of Operation in Nuclear Reactors for Atomic Power Station (APS)
Radioactive Beams for Material Engineering
Deuteron Activation of Chromium for Thin Layer Activation Studies
Industrial Use of a Sub-Compact Cyclotron
Systems, Components & Technology
High Beam Power RF-Systems for Cyclotrons (Invited paper)
The Flat-Topping System for the RCNP Ring Cyclotron
LBNL 88-Inch Cyclotron Improvements
On the Development of 2 mA RF H- Beams for Compact Cyclotrons
RF-Quadrupole Injectors for Cyclotrons (Invited paper)
Recent Beam Diagnostic Techniques (Invited paper)
The Diagnostics System for the Spiral R.I.B. Facility
Non Intercepting Beam-Current and Position Monitors for the AGOR Beamlines
Construction of a New Pre-Injector System for the RILAC
New Design of the SFC Central Region
Computer Modeling of the Isochronous Field in the VINCY Cyclotron
Computer Models of the VINCY Cyclotron Magnet
The C235 IBA-SHI Protontherapy Cyclotron for the NPTC Project: Magnetic System Design and Construction
The C235 IBA-SHI Protontherapy Cyclotron for the NPTC Project: Progress Report of the Magnetic Field Mapping and Shimming
Fringefield Effects in Short Quadrupoles
A Fast Scanmagnet for Irradiation Purposes with AGOR Beams
Properties of a Permanent-Magnet Dipole with Variable Field Strength and Polarity
Design Study of Sector Magnets of Superconducting Ring Cyclotron for the RIKEN RI Beam Factory
Analysis of the Final Magnetic Measurements or the L.N.S. Superconducting Cyclotron
The C235 IBA-SHI Protontherapy Cyclotron for the NPTC Project: RF System Design and Construction
Design of the R.F. Cavity for a 200 MeV Proton Superconducting Cyclotron
A Flat-Top Acceleration System for the NAC Light Ion Injector Cyclotron
The Upgraded Control of the LNS Superconducting Cyclotron Radio-Frequency System
The RF System of the Accelerator Complex of the Energy Amplifier
Experience with Electrical Contact Systems for Radio Frequencies at NAC
A New Buncher System for SFC
Beam Loss from Charge Changing Collisions in a Cyclotron
Beam Lifetime in the JINR Phasotron
Performance and Constitution of the Vacuum System in the JAERI AVF Cyclotron
Beam Stabilization by Feedback Control of the Accelerating Parameters in a Cyclotron
Development of Visual Beam Adjustment Method for Cyclotron
Precision Measurements of the Effects of Energy and Intensity Modulation of an Optically-Pumped Polarized Ion Source
Applications of MCP Phase Monitor to Operation of RIKEN Heavy Ion Accelerators
Improvements of the Diagnostics of the Gustaf Werner Cyclotron
Beam Instrumentation for an ISOL Test Stand
Radial and Vertical Betatron Oscillation Frequencies Observed by a Scintillation Plate and a Three Wire Tomography Monitor
Pulsed Integrating Feedback Amplifier Position Control of Intermediate Energy Proton Beams
Beam Transport System using Fuzzy Controller in the KCCH Cyclotron
Improving the Energy Resolution of the 30 MeV Cyclotron Proton using the Designed Achromatic System
Vacuum for Cyclotron Beam Transport Lines
Beam Control for Proton Therapy
The Present Status of the NAC Control System
A “Cook-Book-Method” of Shielding Design for Compact Medical Cyclotrons
The Smart Effluent Monitoring System at the Australian National Medical Cyclotron
Storage & Cooler Rings
Commissioning of the Cooler Synchrotron COSY (Invited paper)
New Developments at the IUCF Cooler Ring (Invited paper)
Injection, Cooling and Accumulation of Ions from the Gustaf Werner Cyclotron into the Celsius Cooler-Storage Ring
HIRFL-CSR Proposal
Lifetime of the Ion Beam Stored in HIRFL-CSR
Ion Sources
Future Prospects for ECR Ion Sources with Improved Charge State Distributions
High-Intensity Sources for Light Ions
ECR Ion Sources and Scaling Laws
Commissioning of the Texas A&M ECR Ion Source High B Upgrade
A Microwave-Driven Source for the Production of Intense Negative Ion Beams for TASCC
The RCNP Atomic Beam Source
The Polarized Ion-Source for COSY
Test Measurements of the Debrecen ECRIS Subsystems
Experimental Results of the Gas Mixing Effect on DECRIS-14-2
Commissioning and First Operating Experience with the ECR Heavy Ion Source at the PSI Philips Cyclotron
The Electron Cyclotron Resonance Ion Source at Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre, Calcutta
Status of the NEOMAFIOS at RCNP
Simulation of Multiply-Charged Ion Production in DECRIS-14-2
Ion Source with a LaB6 Monocrystal Hollow Cathode
A Highly Efficient H- Ion Source for Cyclotrons and other Injectors
Development of a 15 mA DC H- Multicusp Source for Cyclotron Injection
On-line Investigation of Cyclotron-Produced Fission Products: Target-Ion Source Options
Production of 14C Pellets for Sputter Ion Sources
Multi-Channel Water Steam H- Source for Internal Injection to a Cyclotron
Beam Dynamics
Manipulation of the Micro and Macro-Structure of Beams Extracted from Cyclotrons
Intensity Limitations in Compact H- Cyclotrons
Space Charge Effects in Cyclotrons – From Simulations to Insights
A Numerical Study of the Space Charge Effects in a Spiral Inflector
The C235 IBA-SHI Proton Therapy Cyclotron for NPTC Project: On Beam Dynamics Issues
Optimisation of the Beam Buncher Parameters in the Injection Beamline of the NAC
Beam Dynamics and Space-Charge Aspects in the Design of the Accelerators for the Energy Amplifier
A Demonstration of Beam Intensity Modulation without Loss of Charge
Phase Space Stretching and Distortion Arising from the RF Deflector in the TRIUMF Cyclotron
Experimental Evidence of Beam Dynamics Features of the LNS Superconducting Cyclotron
Simulation of RF Stacking and Multiple Single-Turn Injection and Multiturn Injection
Applications – Medical
Commissioning and Use of the PSI Spot-Scanning Isocentric System for Proton Therapy (Invited paper)
Particle Therapy at NAC: Physical Aspects (Invited paper)
The Northeast Proton Therapy Center at Massachusetts General Hospital (Invited paper)
Four Years of Operating Experience with the Harper Hospital Superconducting Cyclotron for Neutron Radiation Therapy
Operation Experience of KCCH Cyclotron for 10 years and Prospect of Cyclotron in Korea
Fast Neutron Beams for Therapy: The Current Status and Room for Improvement?
Energy Spectra in the NAC Proton Therapy Beam
Dosimetry of Proton Beams at the Medical Facility of the JINR Phasotron in Dubna
Clinical Cyclotron Seattle: Eleven Years of Operation
The NAC Proton Therapy Beam Delivery System
10 MeV Cyclotron and RF Linac as Installation for Neutron Therapy
The Cyclotron Based Fast Neutron Therapy Facility of SINR
Cyclotron versus Synchrotron for Proton Beam Therapy
Applications – Isotopes
To What Extent Will Cyclotrons in Future Replace Reactors in the Field of Isotope Production? (Invited paper)
Isotope Production and the Future Potential of Accelerators
Production of Longer-Lived Positron Emitters 73Se, 82mRb and 124I
Cyclotron Production of Pt, Pd and Rh Radiotracers to Study the Environmental Impact of the Catalytic Converter Emissions
Yields of Cyclotron Produced Isotopes
Production of 67Ga by Irradiation of Natural Zinc with Deuterons in NRCAM Cyclotron
A Fast Method for Producing Super-Pure Radionuclide 57Co at the Classical 1.5 Meter Cyclotron of the Institute of Nuclear Physics Ac.Sc.RUz.
Production of Radionuclides at the NAC Cyclotron Facility
Thirty Years Application of Cyclotron for Radionuclide Production
Modification of the Internal Target System of the Cs-30 Compact Medical Cyclotron
A Semi-Automatic System for Radioisotope Production
Achieving Balance as a Survival Strategy for a Small Cyclotron Facility
The New Cyclotron of the Rossendorf PET Center
Isotope Production at the Kurchatov Institute Cyclotron
Future Cyclotron Systems: An Industrial Perspective
Production of Radioisotopes for Nuclear-Medicinal Applications at the VINCY Cyclotron
The Facilities and the Isotope Production in the Institute of Nuclear Physics in Tashkent
New Projects & Proposals
RIKEN RI Beam Factory Project
A Cyclotron-Based Accelerator for Driving the “Energy Amplifier”
The Proton Therapy System for MGR’s NPTC: Equipment Description and Progress Report
A Proton-Driven, Intense, Subcritical, Fission Neutron Source
The Protontherapy Superconducting Cyclotron
A Microtron Cyclotron – The “Slipatron”
A Superconducting Ring-Cyclotron for Proton Therapy
Design of Fixed Field Alternating Gradient Cyclotrons – FFAG – as Accelerators for Intense Pulsed Proton Beams
Radioactive Beam Facilities
Production and Acceleration of Radioactive Beams at Louvain-la-Neuve (Invited paper)
Status Report on the Holifield Radioactive Ion Beam Facility (Invited paper)
The ISAC Project at TRIUMF (Invited paper)
Status of SPIRAL, the Radioactive Beam Project at GANIL (Invited paper)
The Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions JINR Radioactive Ion Beam Project with the U400M–U400 Cyclotron Complex
Status of CYCLONE44: a Postaccelerator for Radioactive Ion Beams
The Proposed Radioactive Ion Beam Facility at the Calcutta Cyclotron Centre
Equilibrium Between Electron Cooling and Intrabeam Scattering
Concluding Session
Problems and Accomplishments of Superconducting Cyclotrons (Invited paper)
Concluding Remarks (Invited paper)
Lists of Cyclotrons and Cooler-Booster Rings
Cyclotron Data Sheets
Reference Data for International Cyclotron Conferences
List of Participants
Index of Authors