The Table of Contents for the book is as follows:
Disassembly Mechanisms of Plant RNA Viruses: Fine-Tuning and Possible Sites for Transgenic Protection
Function and Interaction of Bromovirus Proteins in RNA Replication and Infection Spread
The Replication and Gene Expression of Turnip Yellow Mosaic Virus
Expression, Processing, and Transport of Tobacco Etch Potyviral Proteins
Identification of Sequences Involved in Beet Necrotic Yellow Vein Virus RNA Replication and Encapsidation
The Role of Replication and Movement Functions in the Pathogenesis of Squash Leaf Curl Virus
Properties of Genes Influencing Barley Stripe Mosaic Virus Movement Phenotypes
Function and Expression of Cucumber Necrosis Virus Genes
The Role of DNA B in Geminivirus Spread and Symptom Induction
Figwort Mosaic Virus, a Caulimovirus, Regulates the Expression of its Genes via Transactivation of a Polycistronic mRNA
The Role of Structural Domains in the Regulation of Viroid Pathogenicity
RNA Recombination in the Turnip Crinkle Virus System
Self-Cleavage and Replication of Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus Satellite RNA
Parasitic Nucleic Acids Competing for Genetic Expression: A Conceptual Framework for the Study of Satellite-Mediated Viral Symptom Modulation and its Implications for the Epidemiology and Control of Plant Viruses
Domains in the Coat Protein and HC-Pro Protein Involved in Aphid Transmission of a Potyvirus
Precise Interactions Between Tobamoviruses and Plants
Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus: Genome Organization, Transmission, and Symptom Induction
Genetic and Environmental Factors that Determine the Ability of Cauliflower Mosaic Virus to Systemically Infect Solanaceous Hosts
A “Gene for Gene” Interaction and Potato Virus X
PLRV Gene Expression in Potato
Resistance to Bean Yellow Mosaic Virus (BYMV) and Other Potyviruses in Transgenic Plants Expressing BYMV Antisense RNA, Coat Protein, or Chimeric Coat Proteins
The Specificity and Significance of Heterologous Encapsidation of Virus and Virus-Like RNA’s