The Table of Contents for the book is as follows:
Particle Physics
Fundamental Constants from b and c Decay
Our Present Understanding of CP Violation
The Third Family Is Different
CDF Results on the W Mass and the Search for the Top
Recent Results from ep Scattering at HERA
Structure Function F2 from Deep Inelastic Electron-Proton Scattering at HERA
QCD and Heavy Quark Production
Lattice Studies in Particle Physics
The Standard Model, But What Next?
Recent Results in Supergravity Guts
Constrained Minimal Supersymmetry — Results, Tests, Predictions
Spacetime Topology Change and Stringy Geometry
GUT's with Adjoint Higgs Fields from Superstrings
How Strings Make Do Without Supersymmetry: An Introductionto Misaligned Supersymmetry
Quantum Corrections for a Cosmological String Solution
Black Holes, Interactions, and Strings
Cosmology, Astrophysics
How Many Solar Neutrino Experiments Are Wrong?
Solar Neutrinos: Present and Future
Observing the Early Universe with COBE
The Latest MACHO Results: Microlensing Towards the Large Magellanic Cloud and the Galactic Bulge
The Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory(LIGO) Project: A Status Report
Cosmology After COBE: Surveying the Wreckage
Cosmology at the Millenium
Problems of Astra-particle Physics in the Quasi-steady State Cosmology
New and Miscellaneous Theoretical Developments
The Power of Holomorphy - Exact Results in 4d SUSY Field Theories
The Wu-Yang Ambiguity Revisited: New Degeneracies
The Paradigm of Pseudodual Chiral Models
Spontaneous Breakdown of the Lorentz Invariance in Three-Dimensional Gauge Theories
Composite Gauge Field Models and Dynamical Symmetry Breaking
"Time After Time" in Eternal Inflation (Surreality)
Four-Dimensional Conformal Gravity, Confinement, and Galactic Rotation Curves
The Black Hole Information Puzzle: A Progress Report
Cosmology in the Laboratory
The Non-commutative Geometry of Two-Dimensional Supersymmetric Conformal Field Theory
Strings, Cosmology,… and a Particle
Recent Mathematical Developments in Quantum General Relativity