The Table of Contents for the book is as follows:
1. After-Banquet Talk in Honor of Aharonov’s 60th Birthday
2. Aharonov–Bohm Effect and Geometric Phases
Dynamic Observation of Flux Lines Based on the AB Effect Principle
Signs and Miracles of the Aharonov–Bohm Effect
Aharonov Effects for Two Slits and Separated Oscillatory Fields Interferences
Atom Interferometers
Faster than Fourier
Berry’s Phase, Mesoscopic Conductivity and Local Forces
New Results in the Theory of Landau–Zener Transitions
Quantum Mechanics of the Electric Charge
Magnetic Charges and Local Duality Symmetry
3. Gauge Fields in Condensed Matter
Quantum Phase in Action
Liberating Exotic Slaves
Persistent Currents in Normal Metals
4. Black Holes and Quantum Gravity
Evidence for a Massive Black Hole in the Center of Our Galaxy
Black Holes, Wormholes, and the Disappearance of Global Charge
The Conflict Between Quantum Mechanics and General Relativity
Unitarity of the Black Hole Scattering Matrix
Entropy Generation in Quantum Gravity and Black Hole Remnants
Black Holes and Information Loss in 2D Dilaton Gravity
5. Gravitation and Quantum Mechanics
Topological Phases and Their Duality in Electromagnetic and Gravitational Fields
Disordered Gravitation: Localization and Diffusion Limited Dynamics of the Early Universe
6. Quantum Non-Locality and Geometry
The Superposition Principle in Multi-Particle Systems
Non-Locality and Objectivity in Quantum State Reduction
A Non-Polarization EPR Experiment: Observation of High-Visibility Franson Interference Fringes
Einstein–Podolsky–Rosen Correlations in Higher Dimensions
Time as a Derived Quantity in the Micromaser
Toward “It from Bit”
7. Spin and Statistics
(Para)Bosons, (Para)Fermions, Quons and Other Beasts in the Menagerie of Particle Statistics
The Quantum Theory of Measurement and the Foundations of Statistical Mechanics
Time Reversal of Spin–Spin Couplings
Electromagnetic Velocity and Acceleration of Neutrons
8. Quantum Reality and Phenomenology
A New Formulation of Quantum Mechanics
Measurement of Nonlocal Variables Without Breaking Causality
Quantum Anomalies and Three Families
Experiments Pursuant to Determining the Duration of Barrier Traversal in Quantum Tunneling
Global Quantization of Vacuum Angle and Magnetic Monopoles as a New Solution to the Strong CP Problem