Weak Interactions and Neutrinos
The Table of Contents for the book is as follows:
Opening address
LEP electroweak physics
Electroweak radiative corrections
Recent neutral current results from LEP
Two new supersymmetric options for two Higgs doublets at the electroweak energy scale
Electroweak radiative correction in a class of supergravity models
MEGA: A search for the rare decay μ → eγ at the level of 5 × 10-13
On the ππ spectrum in ϒ(3S) → ϒ(1S)ππ
A few topics on electroweak physics
CP violation
Some remarks on the strong CP problem
B meson factory and CP violation
Neutrino mass:theory
Neutrino mass, a status report
Solar neutrino experiments: an update
Double beta decay and lepton number non-conservation
Search for neutrinoless double beta decay experiment with bolometric device
Neutrino physics and cosmology
Dark matters
Neutrinos in collapse-driven supernova explosion
Astroparticle physics with high energy neutrino telescope
Concluding remarks
Members of the Advisory and Organizing Committees
List of participants