New Computing Techniques in Physics Research III
The Table of Contents for the book is as follows:
Software Engineering
TRAPPER - A Graphical Programming Environment for Parallel Systems
Physics Research Integrated Development Environment (PRIDE)
Software Engineering Techniques and CASE Tools in RD13
Computing in the Atlas Experiment at LHC
Computing for the CMS Experiment
Bridging FORTRAN to Object Oriented Paradigm for HEP Data Modeling Task
Real Time, Data Driven Architectures Simulated in Concurrent C++ for the LHC Second-Level Trigger
The SSCL Framework Software Plans
A Hierarchical and Distributed Control Architecture for HEP Big Data Acquisition Systems
Experience with a Run File Archive Using Database Techno1ogy
Comparative Performance Measures of Relational and Object-Oriented Databases Using High Energy Physics Data
Software and Computing in the OPAL Experiment at LEP
Simulation of Data-Acquisition and Trigger Systems in C++
Formal Methods in the Design of a Second-Level Trigger
Object-Oriented Software Design and Multiple Grid Techniques for the Simulation of Micro-Strip Gas Counters
Development of Graphic “User-to-Computer” Interface and Software to Offer Graphic and Alphanumeric Data Output
The Experiment Control System of the 3-Spectrometer-Setup at MAMI
Las Vegas: Object-Oriented Monte Carlo Simulations for the COSY-TOF-Spectrometer
Software Tool for Training FIR and FIR-OS Filters
Using CERNLIB, PAW and GEANT Packages on PCs Under DJGPP
Computing in the Ninetics - A Summary of the Topical Workshop on Software Engineering and Round Table Discussion
Artificial Intelligence
Symbolic AI
INTERLOG: Constraint Logic Programming on Numeric Intervals
Natural Language Interface for Knowledge Representation System for Mathematics
Efficient Implementation of Declarative Knowledge Representation in Problem-Oriented ES Shell
ZEX - An Expert System for ZEUS
DELOS - An Object-Oriented Expert System for Error Diagnosis in Particle Detectors
An Example of Deep Knowledge Representation for the Beam-Line Operation
Status of the Model-Based Expert System for Beam-Line Control and Diagnosis, Radiation Monitor Integration
Use of a Learning Program for Trigger Sensitivity Studies
Evolutionary Algorithms
Optimization Algorithms Imitating Nature
Evolutionary Control of a Population of Inference Engines
Adjusting Parameters of Genetic Algorithms by Fuzzy Control Rules
Solving Optimization Problems with Evolutionary Algorithms
Neural Networks
Trends in Neutral Network Research and an Application to Computer Vision
Classification with Multi-Modular Neural Networks: Comparison of Two Examples
A Newton-Type Algorithm for Multilayer Perceptron Training
Use of a Multilayer Perceptron in the CDF-Top Search in the Multijet Decay Mode
b-Tagging Using Shape Variables in the Hadronic Decays of the Z0
Application of Neural Networks in the ARGUS Experiment for the Analysis of B- and Tau-Physics
Tagging Heavy Majorana Neutrinos at LEP200 Using a Feed-Forward Network with Constraint Fit Inputs
Feature Extraction Using Self-Organizing Networks
Feedforward Neural Networks as an On-Line Pattern Recognition Tool
An Algorithm for Identifying Secondary Vertices
An Application of Cellular Automata and Neural Networks for Track Reconstruction in High Energy Physics
A Fuzzy Radon Transform for Track Recognition
Distortion Invariant Object Recognition under Drastically Varying Lighting Conditions
Model Neural Network and Threshold Calorimeter Triggers for b-Quark Events Selection in Fixed Target Experiments
Neural Networks Applied to a Second-Level Trigger Based on Calorimeters
A Feed Forward Neural Network for Recognition of Fluctuations in Electromagnetic Showers
Artificial Neural Networks for Reaction Discrimination in the pp-Bremsstrahlung Experiment at COSY
The Application of Artificial Neural Networks Techniques in SATURNE Experiment LNS284
Neural Network Architectures for Small Angle Muon Triggers in DZero
Two Applications of a Neural Network Chip to Particle Detectors
Results from an On-Line Neural Trigger within a Fixed Target Experiment for the Production of Beauty Particles
Concept for a Fast Second-Level Trigger Using a Neural Network Architecture for the H1-Experiment at HERA
Constructed Network for Background Encapsulation in the Second-Level Trigger of the H1-Experiment
Performance of Backpropagation Networks in the Second-Level Trigger of the H1-Experiment
ANN as a Level 2 Trigger for the H1 Experiment - Learning Strategies and Visualization -
Summary of Workshop B: AI
Symbolic Manipulation
Symbol Manipulation: Early History and Present Prospects
Automatic/Semi-Automatic Computations
Toward an Automatic Computation of Cross Sections Including One-Loop Diagrams
Perturbative QCD with Feyncalc
Development of the CompHEP Project
Calculating Various Quantities with Mincer:
Correction to Γ (Z° → hadrons) and NNL Approximation to Deep Inelastic Structure FunctionsThe Calculation of ε'/ε Beyond Leading Logarithms with the Help of the TRACER γ-Algebra Package
Traces and Gamma5
γ5 Anomaly: Some Approaches in Dimensional Regularization
Programming of the γ5-Matrix in Dimensional Regularization in Multiloop Calculations
Diagrams and Loops
Numerical Approach to High Order Radiative Corrections in Quantum Electrodynamics
Progress with Multi-Loop Diagrams since AI-92
Automatic Reduction of Loop Amplitudes
Possible and Impossible in Multiloop Renormalization Group
Progress in Evaluating some Complicated Types of Feynman Diagrams with Two (and More) Loops
Differential Equation Method. The Calculation of N-Point Diagrams
Unstable Particles and Gauge Invariance
Application of Padé Approximants to the Calculation of Feynman Diagrams
A Closed Analytical Formula for Two-Loop Massive Tadpoles with Arbitrary Tensor Numerators
Handling Particle Multiplets and Fermion Number Violation in Feynman Diagram and Amplitude Generation
Lazy Functional Programming and Manipulation of Perturbation Series
A New Method for Computing One-Loop Integrals
Two-Loop Integrals for Arbitrary Masses
Reduce Usage for Calculations in Chiral Mesonic Models
Large Nf Critical Exponent Approach to Computing Perturbative RGE Functions
The Optimization of a Huge Form Program
Symbolic Computation of the Heat Kernel Expansion on Curved Manifolds
The Effects of the QCD Corrections to
Fourier Analysis of the Multi-Dimensional Distribution of Events
GSL: A Portable Standard LISP Interpreter
Symbolic Approach to Perturbed Non-Linear Dynamical Systems
List of Participants