Structural Acoustics, Scattering and Propagation
The Table of Contents for the book is as follows:
Volume I: Structural Acoustics, Scattering and Propagation
Gateway Solutions: Advanced Computational Capability for the Future in Acoustics
Computational Aeroacoustics
Line Source Singularity in the Wave Equation and Its Removal by Quadrupole Sources — A Supersonic Propeller Noise Problem
Sound Field in a Tunnel Generated by Traveling of a High-Speed Train
Acoustic Scattering by Elastic Shells that have Multiple Massive Internal Components Attached by Compliant Mounts
Waves on Elastic Shells of Conical Shape
Elasto-hydrodynamic Wave Dispersion Predictions for Circular Cylindrical Shells Immersed in Fluid
A Boundary Integral Equation Approach to Acoustic Radiation from an Array of Closely Spaced Spherical Shells
The Prediction of Pseudo-Stoneley Resonances via Proper Fluid Loading of Thin Shell Theories
Signal Processing of Ideal Acoustic Echoes from Submerged Shells in the Time-Frequency Domain via Wigner-Type Distributions
The Effect of an Internal Bulkhead on the Acoustic Radiation from a Finite, Fluid-Loaded Cylindrical Shell: A Finite Element Analysis
The Resonances of Finite-Length Elastic Cylinders Excited by Sound Scattering
Radiation of Sound from Two Coaxial Cylindrical Waveguides; A Matrix Wiener–Hopf Formulation
A Numerical Evaluation of the Sound Field Scattered by a Finite Fluid-Loaded Cylindrical Elastic Shell
Acoustic Coupling to Curved Shells: An Asymptotic Theory
Caustic Formation from a Point Source in a Shear Layer Over an Elastic Surface; A Model for the Suppression of Coherent Fluid Structures?
The Reconstruction of Solid Grain Structure Using Invariant Imbedding and the Green Function Method
Scattering of Sound Waves by Arbitrarily Shaped Obstacles
Approaches to Bottom Scattering in Acoustic Propagation Modeling
Theoretical Modeling of Low Frequency Acoustic Scattering from Subsurface Bubble Structures
Surface Scattering: The Role of Turbulent Transport of Microbubbles
A Comparative Study of the Performance of the Spherical and Spheroidal Coordinate T-Matrix Formalisms with Thin Shells
Regularization Methods Applied to Acoustic Holography
Quasi-Newton Method for Multi-dimensional Inverse Scattering Problem
An Assessment of High-Resolution Matched Field Processing Based on Model-Generated Shallow-Water Acoustic Wave Fields
Sound Fields of Moving Sources Near Impedance Surfaces
Limit Cycles of Flow-Excited Resonators: A Describing-Function Analysis
Acoustic Holography Using Wavelet Transform
Computation of Nearfield Duct Aeroacoustics
Feature Extraction and Classification of Marine Biological Species
Comprehensive Acoustic Simulation/Stimulation
Application of Non-traditional Processing Methods to Transitional and Turbulent Boundary Layer (TBL) Flow Noise
Volume II: Environmental Acoustics
A New Method to Reconstruct the Boundary Conditions of the Helmoltz Equation
Spectral Element Method with Substructuring: An Accurate and Efficient High-Order Finite Element Approach to Wave Modeling
Coupled-Mode Computations with the Direct Use of the Continuous Spectrum
A Variable Grid Implicit Finite Difference Scheme for Solving Parabolic Wave Equations
Transformation Method for Results from a Cartesian Finite Element Parabolic Equation Calculation to Spherical Waves
A 2D Numerical Solution for the Evolution of Shock Profiles Subject to Wavefront Focusing and Diffraction
A Range-Dependent Green's Function Method for One-Way Acoustic Wave Propagation
Proof of the Impossibility of Constructing an Exact, Explicit Finite Difference Scheme for Schrödinger-Type PDE's
Ray Theory and the Normal Mode Method at Very High Frequencies
A Parallel 3D Parabolic Wave Equation Solver
Visualizing Acoustic Phenomenon in the Ocean
Scientific Visualization of Acoustical Wave Propagation Using SURFFE/FAST
Boundary Conditions and the Simulation of Low Mach Number Flows
Vertical Interface Conditions for Parabolic Approximations
Seismic Attenuation Associated with the Porous Sea Floor
Exact Finite Elements for Wave Propagation in Range-Independent Fluid–Solid Media
A Generalized Impedance Method for Application of the Parabolic Approximation to Propagation in an Ocean Overlying an Elastic Bottom
Predicted Effects of Porosity on Wave Propagation in Multi-layered Fluid/Poroelastic-Solid Systems
Application of PE Model to Shallow-Water Acoustic Propagation
Effects of Shallow Water Internal Waves on Broadband Acoustic Wave Propagation
3D Wave Solutions for Benchmarking
Ocean-Acoustic Test Problems with a Slowly Varying Bottom-Slope: A Missing Class of Benchmarks
Alternative Non-reflecting Boundary Conditions for PE Modeling of Atmospheric Acoustic Propagation
Some Numerical Effects of Slow Range Variation on Mode Coupling
Ocean Acoustic Thermometry and Vertical Slice Tomography
Signal Processing for Coastal Acoustic Tomography
Inverse Techniques for Coastal Acoustic Tomography
The Vertical Projection of Sound Speed Profiles and Its Effect on Ocean-Acoustic Models
Finite-Element Ray Tracing
Stochastic Ray Tracing
Broadband Propagation Modeling Using Ray Theory
A Simple Gaussian-Beam-Based Reverberation Model