Polarization Dynamics in Nuclear and Particle Physics
The Table of Contents for the book is as follows:
A. Overview Lectures
The SMC Experiment on Polarised Muon Scattering Off Polarised Nucleons
Spin Effects in Low Energy
InteractionUpdate and Status Report of the HELP Project
Polarization at LEP: Status and Prospects
Polarized Gas Targets and Ion Sources
Elastic Scattering and Total Cross Sections of Polarized Neutrons on Polarized Protons at Saturne II
Polarized Protons at RHIC
Toward Tests of Time Reversal Invariance in Polarization Phenomena at KEK
Spin Physics Projects at the IHEP Accelerating Storage Complex (UNK)
Recent Developments in Stored Polarized Electron Positron Beams
Experimental Results with the Fermilab Polarized Beams
B. Specialized Seminars
The μ Polarimeter for Experiment SMC at CERN SPS — The Spin Muon Collaboration (SMC)
Test of Time-Reversal Invariance in Proton–Deuteron Scattering
Spin Physics at Saturne II
Polarizing Matter and Antimatter: A New Method
Spin Correlation Measurements at The Indiana University Cyclotron Facility
Measurement of the Polarization of τ Leptons Produced in Z Decays at ALEPH
A. Overview Lectures
Effective Coupling Functions Extracted from the Scattering Experiments with Polarized Protons at Moderate Energies
The Proton Spin Problem, Theoretical Viewpoint
Numerical Analysis of the Quark Fraction of the Proton Spin
Vector Diquarks: Bjorken and Gottfried Sum Rules
QCD and EMC2: The Proton Spin Crisis is Still Here
Inclusive Polarization in pp Collisions
Theoretical Aspects of Polarization Phenomena in High Energy Collisions
Spin Effects in Elastic Scattering and Nonperturbative Dynamics
Spin Dependence of
Forces — Nuclear Evidence
B. Specialized Seminars
Spin Effects in Two-Body Charmonium Decays
High-Spin Structure of Odd-A Os Nuclei
Spin Asymmetries in Inclusive Reactions
EM Strong Interference in pp Elastic Scattering
Spin Phenomena in Elastic Processes
Determination of Polarized Structure Functions from Hadronic Colliders
PP and
Interactions at High Energies and New Regge TrajectoryPolarization Effects in W-Pair Production in e+e--Annihilation
Helicity and Planar Amplitudes in Pion–Proton Scattering at 6.0 GeV/C
Production of Polarized Z0W+W- at e+e- Colliders
Analysis of
Process with Polarized ParticlesTesting a Strong Electroweak Sector by Polarized Beams
Enhancement Mechanism of Physics Beyond Standard Model Effects in e+e- → W+W- and New Gauge Bosons
Transverse Spin Effects
List of Speakers