Radon Monitoring in Radioprotection, Environmental and/or Earth Sciences
The Table of Contents for the full book PDF is as follows:
Invited Papers
The European Radon Programme
Natural Environmental Radioactivity with Particular Regard to Radon Gas and Cosmic Radiation
Present and Future Radioprotection Recommendations within the European Community with Special Regard to Radon
A Review of Experimental Animal Radon Health Effects Data
Review of the Latest Findings of Populations Exposed to High Background Natural Radioactivity
The Italian National Survey on Radon Indoors Run by Several Different Regional Laboratories: Sampling Strategy, Realization and Follow-up
The Regional Survey of Indoor Radon in Friuli-Venezia Giulia (Italy)
Radon Monitoring in Dwellings and in Water in Localized Areas of Friuli Venezia Giulia
Radon Monitoring by Passive Detection
High Level Natural Radiation Areas with Special Regard to Ramsar
Realization of Nuclear Track Filters and their Applications to the Study of Environmental Aerosol Samples
Grab Sampling and Continuous Monitoring of Radon and its Progeny in Air
Indoor and Outdoor Radon Survey in Slovenia by Etched Track Detectors
Intercalibration of Radon Chambers
Summary of Indoor Radon Research Results using Nuclear Track Detectors
Man-made Radiation Related to Natural Radioactivity
The Study of the Dynamic Behaviour of Radionuclides in the Environment
The Search for Radon Sources, A Multidisciplinary Task
Natural Radioactivity and Dating
Fractal Analysis of Radon Indoor Time Series with Rescaled Range and Box Counting Methods
On the Determination of U and Th Concentrations in Soils and Building Materials
Comparison between Neutron Induced and Photon Induced Fission for Measuring Actinides
Single Event Upsets in Microelectronics and Similar Radiation Effects in Biological Systems
The Use of Silicon Devices (Diodes, RAMs, etc.) for Alpha Particle Detection
Ionizing Particle Detection by Charge Coupled Devices (CCDs)
Long-Term Radon Studies at the Thermal Karst Region of Budapest
Radon in Soil-Air and in Groundwater Related to Major Geophysical Events: A Survey
Radon in Spring Waters and Other Hydrogeochemical Parameters as Seismic Precursors
Radon Monitoring for the Prediction of Mine Outbursts
Selected Problems in Radon Measurement for Earthquake Prediction
Prospects and Potentials of Radon Monitoring in North-Eastern India
The Investigations of Subsoil Radon Fields in USSR
Radon Monitoring at the Rodigo Geothermal Station
Radon Anomalies: Correlation with Seismic Activities in Northern India
Self-Potential Anomalies preceding Tectonic and Volcanic Crises
Geochemistry Applied to Volcanic Surveillance
Extraterrestrial Induced Multi-years Cycle in Geophysical, Geochemical and Biological Parameters
Variations of 222-Rn in Soil Gas as Seismic Precursor Signals at Latera Caldera (Central Italy)
Radon Geochemistry and Geophysics in Deep Fluids in Italy
Radon Monitoring for the Study of Fractured Aquifers
Mineral Exploration Based on Radon Measurements
Contributed Papers
Radon Measurements in Kindergartens of Osijek
Preliminary Results of Indoor Radon-222 Concentration in Trieste
Radon Measurements in the Gran Sasso Underground Laboratory
Measurements of Indoor Radon Concentration in High Natural Radiation Areas of Northern Italy
Detailed Radon Emanation Mapping in Northern Latium
Measurement of Radon-222 at a Hospital Tunnel System
Models for Interpreting the Deposition Measurements for Radon-222 and Radon-220 Daughters
Optimisation and Performance of the Spark Replica Counter
Radon Volume Concentration Measurement in Pereslavl-Zalessky
Megarad – A New Alpha Radiation Detection System for Environmental Surveys
Radon Measurements for Use in Earthquake Prediction and Location of Geological Faults in Pakistan
Dependence of Radon Anomalies on Seismicity and Other Parameters in Bad Brambach (Vogtland, Germany)
A Theoretical Model for Deriving Working Level Ratios Using Track-Detector Dosemeters
Gamma Ray Activity in Concrete used in Pakistan
List of Participants