Perspectives in Physical Acoustics
The Table of Contents for the full book PDF is as follows:
Continuous-Wave Ultrasonics with Applications to Acoustic Magnetic Resonance: A Review
Acoustic Studies of Flux Line Lattices in High Tc Superconductors
Coherence in Disordered Systems
Some Remarks on Nuclear Acoustics Resonance History in Russia
Resonant Ultrasound Spectroscopy of Metal-Hydrogen Systems and High Temperature Superconductors
Electron-Phonon, Acousto-Electric and Magneto-Elastic SAW Interactions with Superconducting Films, 2-D Electron Gas or Magnetic Films
Tuning-up a Quasicrystal
Interactions between Acoustic Waves and Charge-Density Waves
Ultrasound as a Probe of Superconductivity and Magnetism in Heavy Electron Materials