Correlations and Multiparticle Production (CAMP)
The Table of Contents for the book is as follows:
Organizing Committee
Are the Observed Bose-Einstein Correlations Possible?
Bose-Einstein Correlations in Ultrarelativistic Heavy Ion Collisions
Pion Interferometry in S+Ag Collisions at 200 GeV/Nucleon
Proton Proton Correlations at Small Relative Momentum in Neon and Argon Collision with Nuclei at SATURNE
Particle Correlations from 28Si + 197Au and 27Al at E/A = 14.6 GeV
Some Features of Identical Pion Correlations from Dubna Experiments
On the Efficiency and Method of Checking the Relativity Based on Studying the Interaction between High-Energy Particles
Bose-Einstein Correlations in e+ e- Annihilations at 10 GeV Center-of-Mass Energy
Observation of the Coulomb Interaction Effect in Pion Pairs from the Reaction p + Ta → π+ + π- + X at 70 GeV
Soft Pions and Geometry in Bose-Einstein Correlations
Bose-Einstein Correlations for Pions Produced in p-p Collisions at 360 GeV/ c and 400 GeV/c
Bose-Einstein Correlations in the Target Fragmentation Region in 200 A GeV 16O + Nucleus Collisions
Interference Correlations of Identical Bosons with Slightly Different Momenta in the Model Including Both One-Particle and Multiparticle Sources
Some Different Analysis of the AFS-Data on Interferometry
Importance of Charge Correlations for Multiparticle Production at High Energies
Bose-Einstein Correlations in Pion Production at TRISTAN
Bose-Einstein Correlations as a Signature of Mixed Phase and Soft Pion Phenomena in A+A Collisions
On the Interpretation of the GGLP Formula
Measuring the Two Particle Correlation Length in Peripheral Heavy Ion Collisions
Multiple Particle Production Processes in the “Light” of Quantum Optics
Scaling Properties of the e+ e- Multiplicity Distributions and the Lognormal Distribution
Second Moments of Multiplicity Distributions in High Energy Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions
Charged Particle Multiplicity Distributions and Fluctuations in 60 and 200 A GeV 16O + Nucleus Reactions
Sum Rules for Cluster Parameters
Shower Properties in the QCD Parton Shower ModelMultifractal Properties of Multiparticle Production
Fractal Structure in Multiparticle Production in e+ e- Annihilations at 29 GeV
Relative Entropy of Multiplicity Distributions in High Energy Nucleon-Nucleon and Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions
Factorial Correlators from π+p and K+p Collisions at 250 GeV/c
Fractal Structures and Intermittency in QCD
Multifractal Structures in Multiparticle Production in
Interactions at √s = 1800 GeVMultiplicity Distributions from Calorimetric Measurements of Transverse Energy
Rapidity and Transverse Momentum Distributions from Fluid Dynamics and from a String Monte-Carlo Reaction Model
Factorial Moments and Correlations in Meson-Nucleus Interactions at 250 GeV/c
Fluctuations of Fluctuations and Spiky Spikes
Intermittency in Multiparticle Production Analyzed by Means of Stochastic Theories
The Self-Similar Cascade Pattern at High Energies
Scaling of Correlation FUnction Moments for Small Fluctuations
Non-Statistical Fluctuations in Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions
Representing Distribution from e+ e- Annihilation Experiments by Shifted Poisson Transforms
Three Topics in Intermittency
How to Build Hadronic Multiplicity Moments from Two-Particle Correlations
Entropy, Dimensions and Other Multifractal Characteristics of Multiplicity Distributions
The Number of Sources in Multiparticle Production Processes
Status and Present Developments of Fermion Correlation Studies
The GGLP Effect Alias Bose-Einstein Effect Alias H-BT Effect
To the Question on the Influence of Scatterings on Two-Particle Correlations of Identical Pions
Bose-Einstein Correlations and Quantum Statistics
Extracting Physics from Two-Particle Correlations
List of Participants