Subjective and Objective Evaluation of Sound
The Table of Contents for the book is as follows:
Loudness scaling in environmental psychoacoustics
Intelligibility in classrooms
Relations between attributes of the perception space of a sound transmitted by a loudspeaker and its objective parameters
Perceptual scaling and psychophysical relations in sound reproduction
Subjective evaluation of a sound emitted by a loudspeaker in correlation with its steady-state and transient responses
Indian drums and Chinese bells: Measured spectrum and perceived pitch
Listening and measuring. How to find a common base in acoustics?
The problem of equivalent distance from line source of finite length in noise level evaluation
Some notes on the equal loudness contours measurement procedures
Analysis of long term average spectra of quality rated grand and upright pianos
Air absorption in terms of loudness and a-weighted sound pressure level
Subjective and objective quality assessments of loudspeakers
Criteria for the acoustical design of rooms
Subjective evaluation of sounds which vary with time and move in space
Loudness and intelligibility as speech transmission quality evaluation criteria
The range of sound pressure level and the range of loudness in musical instruments
Psychoacoustic considerations in the design and specification of sound-reproduction equipment
Computer controlled listening experiments
Perception of random changes in frequency and its relation to speech
Physical and perceptual evaluation of changes in the frequency structure of sound propagating in a room
Deviation in loudness and annoyance estimates of environmental sounds as a result of their different intrusiveness
Line versus continuous spectra in vowel recognition
Some resonance effects in rooms and their influence on the quality of musical signals transmission
Personal characteristic on subjective evaluation of recorded music
High quality audio bitrate reduction considering the psychoacoustic phenomena of human sound perception
Psychophysical aspects of the perception of speech and music in rooms
Subjective and objective evaluation of onset transients in rooms