Superconductivity — ICSC
The Table of Contents for the book is as follows:
Hetero-epitaxial growth of YBaCuO-MgO system
Microfilamentary Bi2Sr2Ca1 Cu2O8 fibers
Experimental observations on Bi2Sr2CaCu2Oy single crystals
Growth structural and physical properties of doped and undoped high Tc Bi-based cuprates
The great complexity of the superconducting copper oxides: some recent observations
Cuprate superconductors: Phase stability of 123 compounds, novel features of Bi2Ca1−x LnxSr2Cu2O8+δ (Ln = rare earth) and new thallium cuprates
Effect of additives on the structure and superconducting properties of YBCO; Agx and BSCCO: Pbx superconductors
Some interesting substitutional effects in La-, Y-, Bi- and T1-based high Tc cuprates
Some thermochemical and thermodynamic problems in HTSC-chemistry
Resistive transition and galvanomagnetic effects in high temperature superconductors
Fluctuation effects in high temperature superconductors
Modulation techniques for studying superconductors
The specific heat of the high temperature superconductors near Tc
Raman spectroscopy of high Tc superconductors
Critical current densities in the high temperature superconductors
Coupling nature of grains and critical current density in textured Bi(Pb)-Sr-Ca-Cu-O tapes
Dependence of Meissner effect on the shape of the specimens and magnetic field
Critical current enhancement in epitaxial Y-Ba-Cu-O films by introduction of flux pinning defects
Neutron scattering studies of magnetism in the high-Tc compounds
Nuclear resonance studies in REBa2 Cu3 O7−x superconducting and other related materials
Progress in layered film fabrication for high-Tc superconducting electronics
High-Tc superconducting junctions: problems and perspectives
Tunneling spectroscopy of hole and electron doped superconductors
Aspects of quantum coherence in HTc superconductors: Flux quantisation in hybrid rings; Neutron diffraction and μSR studies of the flux line lattice
Influence of SN boundary transparency on stationary properties of SNS variable-thickness bridges
Junction technologies based on high Tc superconductors
Generalised BCS pairing theory for anisotropic layered superconductors and their electromagnetic response
Charge transfer polarisation wave in high Tc oxides and superconductive pairing
Marginal fermi-liquid theory of the normal and superconductive state of Cu-O compounds
Localization of quantum vacancies in a Mott insulator and delocalization by pairing
Magnetization behavior of conventional and high temperature superconductors
Intrinsic flux pinning and flux creep in oxide superconductors
Correlated electrons, flux phases and superconductivity
Supersymmetry of Cu 3d holes in high Tc superconductors by X-ray absorption spectroscopy