Chapter 2: Mechanics
The following sections are included:
Elementary Course
Motion with a Constant Acceleration
Projectile Motion
Equation of Motion
The Law of Conservation of Energy
Work and Kinetic Energy
Conservative Forces and Non-conservative Forces
Potential Energy
Examples of Potential Energy
Gravitational Potential Energy
Elastic Potential Energy
The Law of Conservation of Mechanical Energy
Energy Transfer between Interacting Bodies
Work Done by Non-conservative Forces
Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation and Kepler's Laws
Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation
Gravitational Potential Energy
Kepler's Law
Elementary Problems
Problem 2.1. A ball falling from a bicycle
Problem 2.2. A ball thrown off a cliff
Problem 2.3. The trajectory of a ball
Problem 2.4. The motion of a train
Problem 2.5. Skydiving
Problem 2.6. Small objects sliding on different descendent paths
Problem 2.7. An inclined plane
Problem 2.8. A space probe launched to converge with the orbit of Pluto
Advanced Course
Conservation of Momentum
Momentum and Impulse
The Law of Conservation of Momentum
Moment of Force and Angular Momentum
The Keplerian Motion
Two-Dimensional Polar Coordinates
Universal Gravitation Acting on Planets
Moment of Central Forces
Motion of Planets
Motion and Energy of Rigid Bodies
Motion of Rigid Bodies
Rotational Kinetic Energy of Rigid Bodies
Advanced Problems
Problem 2.9. The Atwood machine with friction
Problem 2.10. The rotation of rods
Problem 2.11. The expanding universe