Electrochemical Characteristics of IrO2 + TaO5 / Ti DSA Electrode
DSA electrodes may be produced by adjusting mixing ratio between X% IrO2 + X% TaO5/Ti, and the surface characteristics of electrode and difference in electrochemical properties are analyzed according to such ratios. According to the surface characteristics of electrode, as the quantity of Iridium as the main catalyst increases, the gap in mud crack widened, and it is confirmed that amorphous substances are generated so that the oxide layer becomes even firmer. The cyclic voltammetry experiment result shows the highest current of 72mA/cm2 at 90% IrO2 + 10% TaO5/Ti electrode. According to impedance experiment result, the lowest Rct value was measured as 0.5940Ω at 90% IrO2 + 10% TaO5/Ti electrode where high currents were generated.