Innovation of hyaluronic acid-protamine microparticles and their kinetics in vivo
The nanoparticles, which releases anticancer drug with response to radiation, were developed. Also, two categories were tested: (i) their ability to release anticancer drug in vitro; and (ii) their kinetics in the body, when they were injected through tail vein of BALB/c mice in vivo. To prepare the particles, hyaluronic acid and protamine were mixed into carboplatin solution, and reacted for 30 min in room temperature. Those particles were exposed to a single dose of 10 Gy of 140 KeV X-ray. Their ability to release carboplatin with response to radiation was expressed as the percentage of ruptured particles, basing on images of particles, using micro PIXE camera. The amount of released carboplatin was measured by quantitative PIXE method. The kinetics of particles in body was assessed by counting the number of particles, which were trapped in lungs, using micro PIXE camera. The mean diameter of particles was 743 ± 34 nm. By irradiation, 59.3 ± 7.23% of particles ruptured, and 95.9 ± 2.3% carboplatin was released from particles. The trapped particles in lungs were significantly reduced, when compared with previous alginate-hyaluronic particles.