E-polynomial of SL2(ℂ)-character varieties of free groups
Let 𝖥r be a free group of rank r, 𝔽q a finite field of order q, and let SLn(𝔽q) act on Hom(𝖥r, SLn(𝔽q)) by conjugation. We describe a general algorithm to determine the cardinality of the set of orbits Hom(𝖥r, SLn(𝔽q))/SLn(𝔽q). Our first main theorem is the implementation of this algorithm in the case n = 2. As an application, we determine the E-polynomial of the character variety Hom(𝖥r, SL2(ℂ))//SL2(ℂ), and of its smooth and singular locus. Thus we determine the Euler characteristic of these spaces.
Dedicated to Adalyn Belle Cavazos