New relations between G2G2 geometries in dimensions 5 and 7
There are two well-known parabolic split G2G2 geometries in dimension 5, (2,3,5)(2,3,5) distributions and G2G2 contact structures. Here we link these two geometries with yet another G2G2 related contact structure, which lives on a 77-manifold. More precisely, we present a natural geometric construction that associates to a (2,3,5)(2,3,5) distribution a 77-dimensional bundle endowed with a canonical Lie contact structure. We further study the relation between the canonical normal Cartan connections associated with the two structures and we show that the Cartan holonomy of the induced Lie contact structure reduces to G2G2. This motivates the study of the curved orbit decomposition associated with a G2G2 reduced Lie contact structure on a 77-manifold. It is shown that, provided an additional curvature condition is satisfied, in a neighborhood of each point in the open curved orbit the structure descends to a (2,3,5)(2,3,5) distribution on a local leaf space. The closed orbit carries an induced G2G2 contact structure.