Classification of spatial LpLp AF algebras
We define spatial LpLp AF algebras for p∈[1,∞)∖{2}, and prove the following analog of the Elliott AF algebra classification theorem. If A and B are spatial Lp AF algebras, then the following are equivalent:
A and B have isomorphic scaled preordered K0-groups.
A≅B as rings.
A≅B (not necessarily isometrically) as Banach algebras.
A is isometrically isomorphic to B as Banach algebras.
A is completely isometrically isomorphic to B as matricial Lp operator algebras.
As background, we develop the theory of matricial Lp operator algebras, and show that there is a unique way to make a spatial Lp AF algebra into a matricial Lp operator algebra. We also show that any countable scaled Riesz group can be realized as the scaled preordered K0-group of a spatial Lp AF algebra.