Some interactions of spherically symmetric massive scalar field with Brans–Dicke scalar field in Robertson–Walker universe
Here in this work, we investigated the possible cosmological consequences of the interaction of Brans–Dicke scalar field and massive scalar field by considering spherically symmetric Robertson–Walker metric. The present problem can also be treated as an extension work of [K. Priyokumar et al., Interaction of gravitational field and Brans–Dicke field, Res. Astron. Astrophys.16(4) (2016) 64; K. Priyokumar and M. Dewri, Interaction of electromagnetic field and Brans–Dicke field, Chinease J. Phys.54 (2016) 845]. The exact solutions of the field equations are obtained with seven different cases. The behavior of the model and their contribution to the process of the evolution are examined in detail from some explicit and reasonable values of free parameter. We also presented the variations of certain physical parameters versus cosmic time graphically to compare our solutions with the present observational findings. When we studied further, it is found that the cosmological term Λ takes a great role in the accelerating expansion of our universe when both scalar fields are exponentially increasing functions of time, while the cosmological term will not appear in the case when both the scalar fields are exponentially decreasing functions of time. Also, the scalar field is seen to have a tendency to increase the expansion of the universe, thereby flattening the universe.