Corrections to scaling in the 3D Ising model: A comparison between MC and MCRG results
Corrections to scaling in the 3D Ising model are studied based on Monte Carlo (MC) simulation results for very large lattices with linear lattice sizes up to L=3456L=3456. Our estimated values of the correction-to-scaling exponent ωω tend to decrease below the usually accepted value about 0.83 when the smallest lattice sizes, i.e. L<LminL<Lmin with Lmin∈[6,64]Lmin∈[6,64], are discarded from the fits. This behavior apparently confirms some of the known estimates of the Monte Carlo renormalization group (MCRG) method, i.e. ω≈0.7ω≈0.7 and ω=0.75(5)ω=0.75(5). We discuss the possibilities that ωω is either really smaller than usually expected or these values of ωω describe some transient behavior which, eventually, turns into the correct asymptotic behavior at Lmin>64Lmin>64. We propose refining MCRG simulations and analysis to resolve this issue. Our actual MC estimations of the critical exponents ηη and νν provide stable values η=0.03632(13)η=0.03632(13) and ν=0.63017(31)ν=0.63017(31), which well agree with those of the conformal bootstrap method, i.e. η=0.0362978(20)η=0.0362978(20) and ν=0.6299709(40)ν=0.6299709(40).
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