Vehicle routing problems involve the navigation of one or more vehicles through a network of locations. Locations have associated handling times as well as time windows during which they are active. The arcs connecting locations have time costs associated with them. In this paper, we consider two different problems in single vehicle routing. The first is to find least time cost routes between all pairs of nodes in a network for navigating vehicles; we call this the all pairs routing problem. We show that there is an O(log3 n) time parallel algorithm using a polynomial number of processors for this problem on a CREW PRAM.
We next consider the problem in which a vehicle services all locations in a network. Here, locations can be passed through at any time but only serviced during their time window. The general problem is -complete under even fairly stringent restrictions but polynomial algorithms have been developed for some special cases. In particular, when the network is a line, there is no time cost in servicing a location, and all time windows are unbounded at either their lower or upper end, O(n2) algorithms have been developed. We show that under the same conditions, we can reduce this problem to the all pairs routing problem and therefore obtain an O(log3 n) time parallel algorithm on a CREW PRAM.