Electroacupuncture Analgesia for Surgery in Cattle
To establish the proper analgesic method by electroacupuncture (EA) for bovine surgery, the analgesic effect of dorsal and lumbar acupoints, in addition to the combination with dorsal and lumbar acupoints, were investigated in the present study. Four Korean native cattle (two males and two females) and 24 Holstein-Friesian cattle (all females) were used. The experimental animals were divided into four groups according to used acupoints: dorsal acupoint group (Tian Ping [GV-20] and Bai Hui [GV-5]: 7 heads), lumbar acupoint group (Yap Pang 1 [BL-21], Yao Pang 2 [BL-23], Yao Pang 3 [BL-24] and Yao Pang 4 [BL-25]; 5 heads), dorsal-lumbar acupoint group (Yao Pang 1 [BL-21], Yao Pang 2 [BL-23], Yao Pang 3 [BL-24] and Bai Hui [GV-5]; 8 heads) and control group (non-acupoints, the last intercostals space and the femoral area; 3 heads). The acupoints were stimulated with currents of 2–6 V (30 Hz) in dorsal acupoint group, 0.5–2.0 V (30 Hz) in lumbar acupoint group and 0.3–2.5 V (30 Hz) in dorsal-lumbar acupoint group. Recumbency time was 10 seconds to 1 minute (except one case) and induction time of analgesia was approximately 1 to 6 minutes in dorsal acupoint group. Analgesic effect was systemic, including the extremities in dorsal acupoint group. During the EA, the consciousness was evident and blepharo-reaction was still present under EA in dorsal acupoint group. During the surgery, grades of analgesic effect were 6 excellent (6/7, 87.5%) and 1 good (1/7, 14.3%). In addition, induction time for analgesia was about 10 minutes in both lumbar and dorsal-lumbar acupoint groups. Analgesic areas were found in abdominal areas from the last intercostal spaces to the femoral areas, except lower abdomen in lumbar and lumbar-dorsal acupoint groups. The consciousness was evident and standing position was maintained during EA stimulation in contrast to that of dorsal excellent (1/5, 20.0%), 3 good (3/5, 60.0%) and 1 poor (1/5, 20.0%) in the lumbar acupoint group. Additionally, grades of analgesic effect were 4 excellent (4/8, 50.0%), 3 good (3/8, 37.5%) and 1 poor (1/8, 12.5%). On the other hand, pain was present and analgesia was not accomplished under EA stimulation in control group. In conclusion, analgesia by EA was effective with decreasing order of dorsal acupoint > dorsal-lumbar acupoint > lumbar acupoint among groups. It was considered that dorsal acupoint group might be useful for operation with recumbent position, and lumbar and dorsal-lumbar acupoint groups might be proper for operation with standing position.