Pharmacological Properties of N-095, a Drug Containing Red Ginseng, Polygala Root, Saffron, Antelope Horn and Aloe Wood
This study sought to establish a pharmacological profile for N-095, a crude drug containing red ginseng, polygala root, saffron, antelope horn and aloe wood. Our studies on rats and mice revealed a number of pharmacological properties of this novel drug. N-095 increased the forced swimming time in mice and prevented gastric ulcers in rats under restraint and water immersion stress conditions at 100 mg/kg or higher. It also prevented footpad swelling in rats treated with λ-carrageenin and histamine-induced gastric ulcers in rats at 300 mg/kg or higher. Furthermore, N-095 augmented the sedative effect in mice induced by hexobarbital, which is characterized by a decreased spontaneous motor activity and a prolongation of sleeping time. N-095 also stimulated spontaneous contractility of the uterus in rats at 1000 mg/kg and 2000 mg/kg and prevented hemolysis of erythrocytes by heating. In contrast, N-095 had no effect on the respiratory or cardiovascular system or on water and electrolyte regulation in rats or mice. These results show that N-095 is a relatively safe drug for use as a nutrient or tonic.