The impact of Asia’s infrastructure development and inclusive income growth on poverty alleviation from 2000 to 2020 is well-documented in this research by applying the generalized method of moments (GMM). With the use of economic and social indices, it has been established that infrastructure improvement significantly impacts reducing poverty levels. The findings demonstrate the important impact of energy poverty alleviation on income-inclusive growth. It is easier to survive poverty in rural areas with access to water infrastructure and health insurance. Infrastructure and poverty seem to have a bidirectional causal relationship in the long term. To put it another way, boosting infrastructure investment might be a key to promoting poverty reduction. At the same time, greater performance in the public sector may result in a more effective allocation of resources toward building large infrastructure. Thus, it is postulated that with increasing knowledge, infrastructural development in most developing nations, including South Asian countries, is insufficient; fresh and sustained infrastructure investments are crucial for poverty reduction. This research sheds light on the critical role that energy out-of-poverty plays in inclusive development and infrastructure development for all people, regardless of their income level.