Odderon and pomeron as fractal dimension in and total cross-sections
In this paper, one presents a naive parametrization to and total cross-sections. The main goal of this parametrization is to study the possible fractal structure present in the total cross-section. The result of the fitting procedure shows two different fractal dimensions: a negative (low-energies) and a positive (high-energies). The negative fractal dimension represents the emptiness of the total cross-section structure and the positive represents the filling up process with the energy increase. Hence, the total cross-section presents a multifractal behavior. At low-energies, the odderon exchange may be associated with the negative fractal dimension and at high-energies, the pomeron may be associated with the positive fractal dimension. Therefore, the exchange of odderons and pomerons may be viewed as a transition from a less well-defined to a more well-defined internal structure, depending on the energy.