Aspects of inflation in spatially homogeneous and anisotropic Bianchi Type I spacetime with exponential potential
The inflationary scenario in spatially homogeneous and anisotropic Bianchi Type I spacetime with exponential potential V=e−λϕ, λ>0 and average scale factor (R) is considered as R3=ABC=eλϕ(t) is discussed. The model isotropizes in special case and asymptotically. The spatial volume increases with time representing inflationary scenario and the expansion continues for long enough, thus solving the horizon problem. The model represents decelerating and accelerating phases of universe in special case. Also, the model is singularity free at t = 0. In special case, i.e. when constants b = 0, k = 0, then the model leads to FLRW model for which we have the average scale factor R∝t2/3, 𝜃∝1/t and deceleration parameter (q)=12. This paper gives the answer why anisotropic and homogeneous Bianchi Type I spacetime is considered than FRW model to discuss inflationary scenario.