Constraints on kinematic model from Pantheon SNIa, OHD and CMB shift parameter measurements
In this paper, we reconstruct the late-time cosmological dynamics using a purely kinematic approach. In particular, considering a divergence-free parametrization for deceleration parameter q, we first derive the jerk parameter j and then confront it with combination of various cosmological datasets. We use the most recent observational datasets consisting of the 1048 Pantheon Supernovae Ia data points in the redshift range 0.01<z<2.3, the 51 data points of observational Hubble parameter (OHD) measurements in the redshift range 0.07≤z≤2.36, the Hubble constant H0 (R19) and the CMB shift parameter measurements. We study the evolution of different cosmological quantities for the present model and compare it with the concordance ΛCDM model. We find that only the combined Pantheon+OHD+R19 data shows good agreement with the ΛCDM (j=1) model within 1σ confidence region. We also find that our model successfully generates late time cosmic acceleration along with a decelerated expansion in the past.