Gauged U(1)Lμ−LτU(1)Lμ−Lτ symmetry and two-zero textures of inverse neutrino mass matrix in light of muon (g−2)(g−2)
In the framework of anomaly free U(1)Lμ−LτU(1)Lμ−Lτ model, singlet scalar field with nonzero Lμ−LτLμ−Lτ charge gives rise to massive gauge boson (Zμτ)(Zμτ) through spontaneous symmetry breaking. ZμτZμτ leads to one loop contribution to the muon anomalous magnetic moment. These scalar fields may, also, appear in the structure of right-handed neutrino mass matrix, thus, connecting the possible explanation of muon (g−2)(g−2) and low-energy neutrino phenomenology through vevs associated with the scalar fields. In this work, we consider textures of inverse neutrino mass matrix (M−1ν)(M−1ν) wherein any two elements of the mass matrix are zero. In this ansatz, with Dirac neutrino mass matrix diagonal, the zero(s) of right-handed Majorana neutrino mass matrix correspond to zero(s) in the low-energy effective neutrino mass matrix (within Type-I seesaw). We have realized two such textures of M−1νM−1ν accommodating the muon (g−2)(g−2) and low-energy neutrino phenomenology. The requirement of successful explanation of muon (g−2)(g−2), further, constrains the allowed parameter space of the model and results in sharp correlations amongst neutrino mixing angles and CP invariants. The model explains muon (g−2)(g−2) for MZμτMZμτ in the range (0.035–0.100 GeV) and gμτ≈𝒪(10−4) which is found to be consistent with constraints coming from the current experiments CCFR, COHERENT, BABAR while being within sensitivities of future experiments such as NA62 and NA64.