Masses of doubly heavy tetraquarks QQˉqˉn with JP=1+
In this paper, we apply the method of QCD sum rules to study the doubly heavy tetraquark states QQˉqˉn with spin-parity JP=1+ and strangeness S=0,−1 using careful estimates of the Borel and threshold parameters involved. Masses of the doubly bottom and charmed tetraquarks with isospin I=0,1/2,1 are computed precisely via taking into account multifarious condensates up to dimension 10. Compared with the two-heavy meson thresholds, we find that all nonstrange doubly-bottom tetraquarks and a doubly-charmed tetraquarks associated with J3 with JP=1+ are stable against strong decay into two bottom mesons while a doubly-charmed tetraquark associated with current J2 is unstable against strong decay. By the way, weak decay widths of the doubly bottom tetraquarks are also given.