Theoretical comparison of transition rate B(E2) and deformation parameter with experimental data for calcium (Ca) isotopes using shell model theory
A theoretical comparison has been made for some calcium isotopes (Ca) which are even–even nuclei and have the atomic mass (Z = 20) with its previous experimental data. Theoretical calculations of some Ca isotopes (A = 42, 44, 46, 48, 50, 52) adopted by the shell model theory were performed to calculate the transition rate B(E2), theoretical intrinsic quadruple moments ( and theoretical deformation parameters (, were calculated by two methods by using different effective interactions for each isotope such as, su3fp, fpbm, fprkb, fpd6, kb3. Through code NuShellX@MSU, the single-body density matrix was calculated. The effects of the core polarization were neglected by adopting various effective charges that were employed, effective charges of conventional (Con-E), effective charges of standard (St-E) and effective charges of Bohr and Mottelson (B-M-E) which were calculated. The theoretical values of the B(E2)Th, the and the (, were then compared with the previous experimental data where values of the transition rate B(E2)Th, theoretical intrinsic quadrupole moments and theoretical deformation parameter (, , using the fpbm, the fpd6 and the kb3 interactions were the best.