In the framework of gravity, wherein R denotes the Ricci scalar and T represents the trace of the energy–momentum tensor, the equilibrium structure of charged anisotropic white dwarfs is investigated. The stellar equations for the general scenario are derived, and numerical solutions are obtained for the Chandrasekhar equation of state alongside the charge density distribution proportional to the energy density, . By scrutinizing the properties of the solutions under various parameter combinations, we conducted an exhaustive analysis of the influences of electric charge, modified gravity, and anisotropy on the structural characteristics of white dwarfs. Crucially, white dwarfs can transcend the trivial instances of General Relativity in various ways, thereby demonstrating super-Chandrasekhar phenomena. As an inquiry into the structure of white dwarfs, the findings of this research may contribute to elucidating astronomical observations such as superluminous type Ia supernovae.