Emergence of Spinless and Spin-1/2 Particles from Higher-Dimensional Gravity with D-Dimensional Torus as a Compact Manifold
Using gravitational action for four-dimensional theory of R2-gravity, it has been shown earlier that, at high energy level, Ricci scalar R behaves like a physical field in addition to its usual nature as a geometrical field. The physical aspect of R is represented by spinless particles, called riccions. It is shown here that riccions can also be obtained from multi-dimensional R2-gravity. Further it is shown that these riccions disintegrate into fermion and anti-fermion pairs under certain conditions. Some physical properties of these fermions (here called riccinos) are discussed. On the basis of the results obtained here, one is tempted to speculate that our physical universe might have emerged through decay of riccions and riccinos.