Supersymmetric GUT's are the most natural extension of the Standard Model unifying electroweak and strong forces. Despite their indubitable virtues, among these the gauge coupling unification and the quantization of the electric charge, one of their shortcomings is the large number of parameters used to describe the high energy thresholds, which are hard to handle. We present a new method according to which the effects of the high energy thresholds, in any GUT model, can be described by fewer parameters that are randomly produced from the original set of the parameters of the model. In this way, regions favored by the experimental data are easier to locate, avoiding a detailed and time-consuming exploration of the parameter space, which is multidimensional even in the most economic unifying schemes. To check the efficiency of this method, we directly apply it to a SUSY SO(10) GUT model in which the doublet–triplet splitting is realized through the Dimopoulos–Wilczek mechanism. We show that the demand of gauge coupling unification, in conjunction with precision data, locates regions of the parameter space in which values of the strong coupling αstrong are within the experimental limits, along with a suppressed nucleon decay, mediated by a higgsino driven dimension five operators, yielding lifetimes that are comfortably above the current experimental bounds. These regions open up for values of the SUSY breaking parameters m0, M1/2 < 1 TeV being therefore accessible to LHC.
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