In this paper, we study CP violation in and
decays, where B, P and V denote a light spin-½ baryon, pseudoscalar and a vector meson respectively. In these processes the T odd CP violating triple-product (TP) correlations are examined. The genuine CP violating observables which are composed of the helicity amplitudes occurring in the angular distribution are constructed. Experimentally, by performing a full angular analysis it is shown how one may extract the helicity amplitudes and then obtain the TP asymmetries. We estimate the TP asymmetries in
decays to be negligible in the Standard Model making these processes an excellent place to look for new physics. Taking a two-Higgs doublet model, as an example of new physics, we show that large TP asymmetries are possible in these decays. Finally, we discuss how BES-III and super τ-charm experiments will be sensitive to these CP violating signals in
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