Study of nonleptonic B∗(s)→M1M2 (M=D,Ds,π,K) weak decays with factorization approach
Motivated by the experiments of heavy flavor physics at running LHC and upgrading SuperKEKB/Belle-II in the future, the nonleptonic B∗(s)→M1M2(M=D,Ds,π,K) weak decays are studied in this paper. The amplitudes are calculated with factorization approach, and the transition form factors AB∗(s)→M10(0) are evaluated within BSW model. With the reasonable approximation Γtot(B∗(s))≃Γ(B∗(s)→B(s)γ), our predictions of branching fractions are presented. Numerically, the CKM-favored tree-dominated ˉB∗0→D+D−s and ˉB∗0s→D+sD−s decays have the largest branching fractions of the order ∼𝒪(10−8), and hence will be firstly observed by forthcoming Belle-II experiment. However, most of the other decay modes have the branching fractions <𝒪(10−9) and thus are hardly to be observed soon. Besides, for the possible detectable B∗(s) decays with branching fractions ≳𝒪(10−9), some useful ratios, such as RD, etc. are presented and discussed in detail.
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