Probing WWγ coupling through e−γ→νeW− at ILC
The anomalous WWγ coupling is probed through eγ→νW at the ILC. With a spectacular single lepton final state, this process is well suited to study the above coupling. Cross-section measurements can probe δκγ to about ±0.004 for a luminosity of 100 fb−1 at 500 GeV center-of-mass energy with unpolarized electron beam. The limits derivable on λγ from the total cross-section are comparatively more relaxed. Exploiting the energy-angle double distribution of the secondary muons, kinematic regions sensitive to these couplings are identified. The derivable limit on λγ<0 could be improved to a few per-mil, focusing on such regions. More importantly, the angular distributions at fixed energy values, and energy distribution at fixed angles present very interesting possibility of distinguishing the case of λγ<0 and λγ≥0.
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